Thursday, April 11, 2013

Obama scragging a once powerful sacred cow of the Left?

Is Obama scragging a once powerful sacred cow of the Left? In this mornings Wall Street Journal a story appear,then got no attention showing how hot issues over time can become very cold.The story was Obama Administration to consider selling TVA(Tennessee Valley Authority) .The TVA once a pond time,was like a milestone for the Left,it was there jewel in the crown.A piece of socialism that work,a crowning achievement of the left,indeed,an archer to the Progressive movement and New Deal.Now Obama is thinking of selling the TVA.Has Obama become an apostate?
After World War One,one great battles on public policy was who would control the power to make electricity-investor owned companies or the government?
It centered around the Muscle Shore complex,in the 1920s the radial Left-wing Republican Senator from Nebraska George W. Norris sponsored  a plan to have the government take over and operate Muscle Shore to produce cheap power.The legislation was veto twice,once in 1928 by Coolidge and in 1931 by Hoover.However in 1933 the new President Roosevelt(FDR) ran with idea and expand it to the TVA.
The question of electrical power remain very contention for years to come,indeed,it was dividing line between Left and Right.It lead to most usual candidacies for President of United State.For Wendell Willkie was former Democrat who wind up the Republican nomination for President in 1940.Willkie was president of Commonwealth and Southern Company,a investor owned utility.Willkie wrote an article in Fortune Magazine against government owned utilities and it caught the public imagination and firestorm developed and a movement to draft Willkie for president.Nothing like that had happened and nothing since people(not usually involve in politics) volunteer for Willkie's campaign but in end it was solid south that deliver for FDR.Even as late 1964 Democrats used Goldwater's wanting sell TVA as big stick and he did lose Tennessee for that reason.Now Obama may do a Goldwater? Somehow the world seem upside down.

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