Saturday, April 27, 2013

U.S G.D.P grows at weak 2.5 but still better then Europe.

U.S G.D.P grows at weak 2.5 but still better then Europe.For example Germany grow at .5 and the U.K at .3 bad signs maybe heading for recession?
Earning for U.S companies tend to beat estimates,however, not so with revenues and one must ask the question just how much can companies continue to cut,soon or later if revenue don't increase profits will disappear.
My two biggest holdings reported earning this week Exxon and Colgate-Palmolive.
Exxon,a great company,very well managed except in P.R department, report profits of 9.5 billion or 2.12 a share up from 2 a share last year,however,revenues did drop by 12 percent and production fall by 3.5 percent,however,management claim due to the Canadian sands project production will raise in 2014 to 2017 about 4.4 percent.Exxon did well in Downstream(refining and marketing)operations also did well with chemical division however upstream(explosion and production) operations was down just is because of lower oil prices.Usually in oil business it the upstream operations where the money is made but with lower price for oil less money comes in from production,however,margin for refineries can improve since buyers cruel.
Colgate-Palmolive ran counter to trend of higher profits but less revenue thanks to Hugo Chavez,may you rot in hell.Because of devaluation of Venezuelan currency profit for Colgate-Palmolive were down .97 cents per share without devaluation profit will be up 1.32 per share.Now what makes me worry is Argentina were Colgate does a lot business and crazies ran asylum there too!

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