Friday, April 19, 2013

The disgrace of the Obama Administration

The disgrace of the Obama Administration is not sending any one consequence to Lady Thatcher's funeral.I mean,you could love Lady Thatcher or hate her,that's not the point, but there is no arging she and Clement Attlee were two most consequential British Prime Ministers post World War Two.At least Sec. of State John Kerry should have gone,there is no excuse for shameful behavior by the Obama Administration.
Wrote a letter to today to the News Director at WABC-TV complaining about unprofessionalism of Bill Ritter,an anchorman. Ritter did story on Violent terrorist acts where he called, and made a point of it, Tim McVeigh a right winger.The trouble is if McVeigh was left-winger would say so? No way,look he didn't mention the Fort Hood killing because it is political incorrect to point out Muslim terrorism.
One great myth,is in Untied States after 9/11 Muslims were given a hard time.That's lie,indeed,I remember just few weeks after 9/11 downtown I saw Muslims in there garb,sort parading around and in a way putting they finger in the eyes of the public,yet they were safe,nobody touch them,oh yes no doubt dirty looks but that's all.And that wouldn't happen in Muslims country,if Christian or Jews slaughter there people,indeed, a price of blood would paid by the Christian or Jews.

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