Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rick Harrison of Pawn Broker fame is wrong about the FED

Rick Harrison of Pawn Broker fame is wrong about the Federal Reserve System(FED).He said it was privately owned-it isn't.The FED is a Quasi-Public Corporation,which usually mean an entity that is government owned but operates as private corporation,but in the Fed's case it's owned by the government but it's suppose operate independent of the government,but that more theory then fact.
Also Mr.Harrison said it started because J.P. Morgan and bankers wanted and were responsible for the FED being created.Well somewhat misleading, yes Morgan had role in ultimately the FED being created but,in a way,it was done out fear of Morgan's power and to put stop to it.
The FED roots began in panic of 1907,which was initiated by the failure of the Knickerbocker Trust Company which try to corner the copper market.The Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company went into receivership the next day,the Pittsburgh Stock Exchange suspended operations and a number of bank went broke.J.P Morgan prevented the closing of the New York Exchange and the failure of the Trust Company of America by means of a personal loan.This and other Morgan loan saved the day.But was nation grateful? No horrified that one man had such much power so was human cry for reform of banking system.The task fall a pond,a very powerful Senator Nelson Aldrich(from Rhode Island and the grandfather of Nelson Rockefeller)who with other wrote out plan similar to the FED.The plan lay dormant for few years and with election of the progressive Woodrow Wilson,it seem unlikely to go anyplace,however Wilson's biggest donor Bernard Baruch was favor of the FED.So in 1913 Congress passed Owen-Glass Federal Reserve Act,which in color was different then Aldrich but in reality the tone was the same.Senator Owen from Oklahoma was very much a populist,knew for hatred of big banks yet the FED was very similar to the Aldrich plan which critics claim gave the big banks control of financial system.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pigs gone wild,Chinese to buy Smithfield Foods but is deal kosher?

Pigs gone wild,Chinese to buy Smithfield Foods but is deal kosher? Apparently so it look like U.S Government will OK deal.Smithfield Foods is largest pork producer in world and Washington loves pork(admittedly a different kind pork goodies-highways,golf courses,dams,schools and such- for forks in districts of the honorable member of congress)and so do  Chinese.The Chinese have mostly gone after natural resources companies,change in strategy?Two companies to look for merger active close to Smithfield Foods:Hormel foods and Tyson Foods and maybe Hillshire and Sanderson Farm.
Don't forget Buffet brought this year H.J Heinz so who knows maybe more Food Company on the block maybe Dean Food it's stock goes up and down and lately down have spin division lately didn't help value of company.
Monsanto predicting very good year.Of course,the Chinese has trying to undercut Monsanto's Roundup for weed control.The Socialist senator from Vermont Bernard Sanders hates Monsanto's guts.Bernard of course,wasn't originally wasn't from Vermont,like most Socialist he was a Jewish boy from Brooklyn but that doesn't make him kosher.No Bernard is foul animal that seek to destroy others wealth but playing a game of little man and,indeed,Bernard is little man with not much to offer,a poor player who believe that life should be control by him.
Yankees and Mets play tonight,but it's lost it's spark.The subway series has just become another baseball,too expensive to watch sports is such business and love is gone and I fear never to return.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission won't be happy until they kill me.

The New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission won't be happy until they kill me.In New Jersey there is an Election Law Enforcement Commission,which I never heard,until they sent me a letter written in unclear and understandable manner in small print in very confusing way too.Saying since I'm candidate for office(City Council in Fort Lee) and have file with them,but no forms are sent and it's complex what there want requiring all sort of forms to be file.Does that make sense? Only to government agency.And there want very thing done by computer,which not very computer literate,but after a second notice from this absurd organization,I decide to try to apply to there demands.So went to library to try to get this done but saw no place to file.The second time I spoke to librarian and he help me out I saw were I can file but was leaving so I do next day.
But this time,they were thing in form what couldn't spell,I have dyslexia so I went back home,to my home computer,were I have book to look up words,so stay on computer to fill up the form,however,it stuck on date of primary kept refusing o be mailed,then it work but then it come up I needed a pin number.At this point,I have very high blood pressure,I decide to call the agency,got a cold woman on the phone,I was angry,I told her this stupid(don't forgot my campaign doesn't cost a dime) and have dyslexia and it's impossible to understand what you want and not computer literate and very went ballistic when said how one get a pin number,it's a Rube Goldberg concoction then she said this print out form you have front of mail it address on form and sign on bottom.Problem my printing doesn't work so next I had to library were a printed and wait to Tuesday,because tomorrow is Memorial Day no mail and want send it certified mail because didn't trust the S.O.B's.
The Election Law Enforcement Commission strikes me as phony organization and what is too the problem government.No doubt is sold as way to kept election honest but real mission is created jobs and kept people like me out politics.And it is design to life easy for people that work there at price of people like me.Such programs are put forth by people like State Senator Loretta Weinberg,this is same woman who when Maddoff stole her money she cry how complex the tax code was,well who makes the tax code complex? It's Loretta Weinberg of world but nobody does question on that that's why I hate the Left.The Right might be studid but believe or not Left has no heart for it ain't human.
Anyway today I have chest pains so if die I hope people blame the heartless Election Law Enforcement Commission.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Steve Lonegan wrong on Charles Lee right on taxes.

Steve Lonegan,who now head of Americans for Prosperity,and boy do we need some prosperity now,and was long term mayor of Bogota,a small borough(town) in Bergen County,he also has been perennial candidate for office,including Governor but always losing.He very impressive fellow,I meet outside rec enter in Fort Lee,last Monday(5/20/13) before the Republican club had it's meeting and was guest speaker.I was walking with young men,maybe his son,who was acting like guild dog.Lonegan is almost blind yet never using it as political edge.Although his politics is bit extreme,but many issue we would agree,he is man of great character,far better then me.
Anyway he give lecture and started off with history of American Revolution which got wrong.He started with Charles Lee(who Fort Lee is named for) and said he was great general,but Washington was greater.Well,Washington was great general but not Charles Lee.Yes,Lee was Washington second commend and at first the patriots were glad to have because military experience,but quickly prove to be a disappointment.He was captured by British at Basking Ridge and there has been much speculation that Lee had committed treason,but this would know until 70 years later,British exchange and conduct in Monmouth Campaign was poor,he was a poor command to say the least.Which to court Martial,but not so his cowardly actions during but what happen afterwards, but he was vindicated in the trial.
Lonegan also mention Cornwallis was British general,Lee and Washington faced in North.Cornwallis was British in the South it was Howe bothers who Washington faced in New York and New Jersey Campaign.
But was right on money,with history of New Jersey's taxes and spending.It was until the nineteen sixties when New Jersey got sales tax and politicians would say this solve our problem but problem,hence,spending and debt got worse so 1975 New Jersey passed an income tax and politicians said this lower property taxes but instead there began highest in land as income tax went up and did sale tax as spending got out of control as so did the debt.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A letter to the editor I got published in the New York Post yesterday 5/20/13 quoting Cromwell and Amery

A letter to the editor I got published,in the New York Post,yesterday 5/20/13 quoting Cromwell and Amery.Here's what I wrote:Its time for a clean slate in Albany.
Somebody should say to Silver what L.S Amery said to Neville Chamberlain in Parliament when he quoted Oliver Cromwell:"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing.Depart,I say,and let us have done with you.In the name of God,go!"

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

Sheldon Silver is the very corrupt Speaker of New York State Assembly.

L.S Amery was the Right Hon. Leopold Amery.According to John Colville very fine book,"The Fringes of Power  10 Downing Street Diaries 1939-1955." Amery was newspaper man(the Times) worked there for ten years and then become an M.P for Birmingham in 1911.In World war One he become assistant secretary of war,then First Lord of the Admiralty,Sec.of State for the Colonies,for Dominions,and from 1940 to 1945 India.
Jack his elder son,according Colville who knew in school was charming fellow however, sometime went astray Jack become a fascist ,who in WW2 did propaganda from Italy and was hanged for treason after war.This is not Collville but Amery's were high society however Amery's mother was a Jew,which family try to hid,one wonders if this affect Jack,however,Amery's other son Julian was quite respectable,indeed, marry Harold Macmillan daughter and held several ministerial office.Also Julian try to save Jack from gallows

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The four most underrated historical events

The four most underrated historical events:The Glorious Revolution,the America Revolution,World War One and the U.S.A and the West winning the Cold War.
The Glorious Revolution what's the big deal? I mean,there wasn't much violence and perhaps that's the point,you change the world without much bloodshed and indeed the world was change by Glorious Revolution,the idea divine kingship,that God appoints the king was brought to an end.For Parliament,men decided who would be there king.Of course,it went hand in hand with rise Protestantism,which means protest against the rule of Rome.The idea that Pope was God's spokesman and not just man was beginning to be rejected.That clergy was not morally superior to mortal men.
And of course,the American Revolution was greatly influenced by the Glorious Revolution and,in a way,the father of both was John Locke.I wonder,how many school children know who John Locke was? There know Karl Marx but John Locke I don't think so and says a lot about education and it ain't good.Also many will call the American Revolution, the American War of Independence and that misses the point.Yes,to Marxist or Englishmen perhaps the greatness of American Revolution is minimized.But it's greatest revolution of them all,for unlike French and Russian Revolutions, the darlings of sophistical simpletons,who dominated so much of the world of information and learning,the American Revolution was successful and brought to life the principles of John Locke that is it's man's right for Life,Liberty and Property.
World War One,was a harbinger of the world gone mad, unsavory political animals were hell bend on dominated the world.Because of War World One the world experience the second world war,Communism and Nazism and the unholy murder of a race.because old world was gone and men believe he had answers but the answers were worst then the questions.
And of America and West winning the Cold War without firing a bullet.This accompaniment of Roland Reagan and Thatcher and Pope John Paul the Second doesn't get credit it deserves because of a corrupt media and academia.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Steve Miller band ain't playing I.R.S anymore. Ciso kid he was a friend of my.

The Steve Miller band ain't playing I.R.S anymore.I guess there were taking of care business and working overtime trying to get Tea Party and Right-wingers who Obama seek to end road to influence forevermore.It seems Steve Miller head of I.R.S was force out,will drag other down with him? How deep does sandal ran? Not happy days for Mr.Obama the glow has left the station and like most Presidents the second term isn't good times but end of road.
Ciso kid he was a friend of my.Ciso come out with good earning traffic is pick up on Internet.Surprise me,that third of Internet traffic is done by Netflixs,told about stock that goes crazy,new highs but was falling not that long ago,but long and winding road seem Reid Hasting is tracking well these days.
Walmart's sales are down,is harbinger of bad news for economy?
A other bad sign is lumber prices are down.Yet much talk about housing rebound.What up? China today account for third of demand for U.S lumber,10 year ago it only 6 percent.Maybe sign of downturn in China?
David Einhorn is buying more Apple but many hedge funds,include David Tepper's are getting out of Apple.
Warren Buffet biggest holding is Wells Fargo,indeed,he has buy more but has sold all his holding in Archer-Daniels.
Weather plays it role in farm economy,dry weather will effect corn corp.Corn of course,is main stay of farm commodities.
Steel prices down overproduction maybe cause by believe shale gas and oil leads to boom in demand for steel and still world economy moving at snail pace.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Diamond in the rough(as in Jamie) makes good T.V. Macy's profit up but flagship store no longer a palace.

Diamond in the rough(as in Jamie) makes for good T.V.A few days ago,I saw on Bloomberg T.V Betty Liu with Jeffrey Wilde go after  with much vigor Ken Langone over whether Jamie Dimon should both Chairman and C.E.O.Langone maybe old guy but he's got firer in the belly,maybe that's why he is so rich.He's fiery,a true believe in Jamie Dimon.
Today Macy's reported profit up and I wish buy stock, oh maybe year or so ago when it below 30 today getting close to 50.Went to the downtown to flagship store,at Herald Square today.I hadn't been there in twenty years or so, and what a different not for the better.When you enter Macy's years ago you felt you entering a palace.With high ceiling there was feeling grandeur,that consumer was king.But today with low ceiling one doesn't that,indeed,one  feels like a rat.Space is money and empty space cost so good-bye to making customer feel special it's rat race and every one is on there own.
Walk a bit was in the heart of garment district and there is  a corner of street named Golda Meir Way with statue of her,unfortunately a pigeon stood on top of the statue.Although these days,you think the garment district would be more Spanish then Jewish,well at least at the bottom.But surprisingly I didn't heard Spanish but some German near the Penn Station around near what use to call the Pennsylvania Hotel two good looking gals were speaking German.They where of light complexion but had the look of woman from Connecticut,rich Connecticut New York suburbs like Greenwich.When think of Europeans,especially young women I think of jeans and tee shirts, not dress up stylish like these two gals.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A letter to editor I got published today in the New York Post about I.R.S scandal.

A letter to Editor,I got published today(5/14/13) in the New York Post about I.R.S scandal.This is what I wrote:"The Democrats and their puppets in the mainstream media will cry foul about the scandal with the Internal Revenue Service and Tea Party.
They will say it's a Trojan horse,but in reality they are full of horse manure.This scandal has shadows of a brave new world.
If senior IRS official Lois Lerner were a decent person,she would not only apologize but resign.Congress owns it to the American people to find out whether Lerner was just zookeeper or taking orders from higher-ups.

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

Monday, May 13, 2013

A letter to the editor which was published last Friday on Christie secret surgery and President Cleveland's too!

A letter to the editor which was published last Friday(5/10/13) on Christie secret surgery and President's Cleveland's too!This is letter to editor,of mind,which was published on 5/10/13 in the The Record(the paper Bergen County,New Jersey):What's the big deal with Governor Christie and his secret surgery? I mean,he didn't disappear for a few days and then lie about it as Mark Sanford,former governor of South Carolina, did a few years ago.
Nor does Christie's secret surgery compare with President Grover Cleveland's secret cancer operation in the summer of 1893 aboard a yacht.The President had oral surgery to remove cancerous tissue.The public didn't find out until 1917 when the story appear in the Saturday Evening Post.

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee,N.J   

Last Friday 5/10/13 I went to the Colgate-Palmolive shareholders meeting

Last Friday 5/10/13 I went to the Colgate-Palmolive shareholders meeting,it was held at Marriott,I think at Broadway and 45 St.,it's beautiful hotel huge,and I think when it was built it was the beginning of revitalization of Time Square area.Time Square area really has the purse of the city,so many people lots of tourist,many blonde's,fair skinned people,for some reason I think from Ohio,New York is dark skin city white but with Mediterranean in flavor,Italians,Jews(like myself) a lesser degree Greeks,we are people with a dark complexion with oily skin,a coastal people not from heart land.
Anyway,back to the Colgate-Palmolive meeting,in the past there were many Colgate people,mostly young ladies,shepherding you through to the escalators,but not this time, a person said for Colgate meeting six floor,they always rent a ballroom two stories on the sixth floor,this time I went in bubble elevator,stop at fifth floor but then pressed six,it was confusing.Some coffee before the meeting.C.E.O and Chairman Ian Cook presided. Mr Cook maybe because he's Englishman seem subdued, I always get a feeling the English don't like to show emotion,they don't like to lose there cool.
After Mr. Cook give his agenda of sorts,what's what with company there was a question and answer session with him.I decided to ask a question and also tell people I'm candidate for City Council(Fort Lee,New Jersey) in front of me were two children,a old grouchy old man(which might describe me too!) The kids went first,after I told them there did great job and when back to there seats give thumbs up to young men.The grouchy old before me went on and on but finally I got my turn.But before a young lady from Colgate give a paper writing down my name and address and question.The young lady ask me,is your name Schwartz? I said,that's what I'm been told.She laugh.Then she ask me to fill out part about question I ask Mr. Cook.I said,I can't because I have dyslexia and can't spell.
She said, no problem and told her I would about Venezuela devaluing it's currency hurting bottom line for Colgate and could same thing happen in Argentina?
The young lady induce me,said this is Gary Schwartz from Fort Lee.I went to microphone and said good morning Mr.Cook,I am Gary Schwartz from Fort Lee and I am running for City Council,that stir from crowd and the I ask question about Venezuela.Mr.Cook said reaction of people was in favorable to Colgate despite Venezuela and they were in Venezuela to stay as in Argentina,but do lot less business in Argentina. I thought Mr.Cook went on and on too long of answer seem to be rambling a bit.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Not much green to made if shorted Green Mountain Coffee.Ads have left Rush so may Cumulus.

Not much green to made if you shorted Green Mountain Coffee.Great earning report just yesterday and will have long term relationship with Starbucks.Last stock was 18 so many to was finish,David Einhorn said short,short the stock,maybe Einhorn was wearing his shorts to tight,less blood to the brain.Today Green Mountain Coffee is near 60.
Rush Limbaugh big mouth just might cost him a new deal with Cumulus Media(who owns WABC in New York).He has turn off advertiser with stupidity and arrogance,a man so full of himself,indeed,except for comments about media bias(where he still right on money)he full of stuff that doesn't smell so good.Limbaugh in recent years has become less of political commentator,or even an entertainer and more like cult figure,indeed,jonestown come mind something and his fellows taking Koo-aid a mindless march to defeat.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The man from Mars tells the U.K it should leave the E.U.

The man from Mars(Nigel Lawson) tells the U.K it should leave the E.U.Of course,Nigel Lawson was Chancellor of Exchequer,under Lady Thatcher.It is my understanding that Lawson is harsh critic of Cameron.But it maybe only thing save Cameron if made pulling out the E.U a campaign issue,otherwise,he I think is goner next election.
Netanyahu is visiting the middle kingdom(China).Israel does about 8 billion in trade with China Netanyahu wants to increase it 10 billion.
The Bank of China has cut off North Korea,maybe good news maybe North Korea will stop it's outrageous behavior.
Warren Buffett has bought some Archer Daniels Midland stock(good news for me I own some Archer Daniels Midland stock) also he bought John Deer,which thought of buying in 2008 after the collapse of the markets for so low but I didn't poor me.

Monday, May 6, 2013

The big media lie is that Obama has been treated more harshly then any other President.

The big media lie,is that Obama has been treated more harshly then any other President.Simply not true,not even close to the truth like the media would care.This is narrative of the mainstream media,that Obama has been single out by his opponents because his black.But most presidents,with some exceptions like Washington,maybe Eisenhower and certain not Lincoln,who like most presidents was crucify by his opponents.Now Dan Rather said,Obama opponents want cut his guts out,but this same Dan Rather who 2004 try hijack the American Presidential election by putting out fault story on President Bush deserting the National Guard.Then Lawrence O'Donnell called Mitch McConnell a racist, because he said Obama would rather have P.G.A Card then be President.Now golf is like whitest sport but according O'Donnell said he was trying to link Obama with Tiger Woods.Ironically Obama a few months later played golf with Tiger Wood did O'Donnell apologize to McConnell no!
And of course,many on the Left,including being implied by many in media said President Bush was behind 9/11.Now last I looked Bush wasn't black maybe black and blue from treatment by the mainstream media.Clinton was impeach,Reagan was called a dope senile,Nixon was hated by press,LBJ was ridicule all time and goes on and on Presidents are attack viciously by there opponents it's nature of the beast.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Shakespearean tragedy the life of William Knowland.

Just got call from Fort Lee Library,that book I order just come in the book is,"one step from White House the rise and fall of William Knowland." William Knowland is all but forgotten now, but once was star in political world,who almost grasp the brass ring(the Presidency) and to see it all come tumbling down to the point he where he was broke and committed suicide.It is all very sad,but in a sense there is sometime romantic about tragedy,the lost cause(look Robert E. Lee and Bonnie Prince Charley are romantic figures in history)the man who almost had it all but it slip away, and indeed, like old soldier fades away into oblivion never to heard again it reminds one of that lines in Shakespeare's Macbeth,"Life's but a walking shadow,a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,And then is heard no more ;it is tale Told by an idiot,full of sound and fury Signifying nothing.
William Knowland was born to the manor,his father was timber Barron who become congressman and ran and lost a race for U.S Senate.Knowland enter life with glory but he left it not blaze of glory but a fire of shame.In 1946 the then Governor of California Earl Warren,yes the same Earl Warren who would become very controversial and much hated by Right(ironically for Knowland was man of Right)Chief Justice of the United States,appointed Knowland to Senate of United State,indeed,the very seat his father had ran for and lost in 1914.
Knowland was handsome and bold a born leader,indeed,he rose quickly in Senate leadership and after the death of Majority leader Taft in 1953 he became at the time the youngest majority leader in history.He was know as champion for Chiang Kaishek,indeed,he was called the Senator from Formosa.When Republicans lost control of the Senate in 1955,he become minority leader and with his eyes on the prize the Presidency,he decide to ran for Governor of California in 1958.Maybe he thought,his main competition was Richard Nixon a fellow Californian,as governor he would control delegation.What ever was his reason, it was a big mistake leading to suicide both politically and in 1974 he took his own life but try to make look like accident by fire.For when he ran for governor he sold the family radio station kept the Oakland Tribute,a bad business decision that lead to his bankruptcy and by 1974 he reach the end line and committed suicide.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Someday the people of Louisiana are going to get decent government and they ain't going to like it.

Today, as I went in library in Fort Lee,where I'm running for city council, a friend of mind ask what am I going to do for him? I said,I hope the of people Fort Lee aren't like the people of Louisiana in that I want to give them decent government.I'm reminded of what Earl Long(former Governor of Louisiana and brother to Huey Long) once said,"Someday the people of Louisiana are going to get decent government and they ain't going to like it."
Earl Long is less well know then brother,however,he too was a very colorful character.Indeed,a movie was done about Earl's life called Blaze named for Earl's girlfriend the stripper,"Blaze Starr",played by very sexy Lolita Davidovich,Paul Newman plays Earl Long.It's good movie,entertaining but not great. 
I went on talk about Huey Long,how he was radical with share wealth program and it is hard say,if he was man of Right or Left.When reporter ask him,where he got the idea for his share wealth program the Communist manifesto? Long said, no the bible.Somebody ask was he Governor or Senator he was both first governor,where he was like dictator in Louisiana.A strong armed Governor,few if any in American History had power he had as Governor.Built up a powerful machine,ruthless a pure demigod but give people what they wanted hope for better life,a more just society.
In 1930 Huey Long was elected to the U.S Senate and become national figure.Much fear by Franklin D.Roosevelt(F.D.R),indeed,it was said F.D.R feared two men:Huey Long and Douglas MacARTHUR.Long was planning to ran for President in 1936,conveniently he was he was assassinated in 1935.The assassin was Dr.Carl A. Weiss who was killed immediately,and let there say no dead man can't tell no tales.Now there were two reason why the story about F.D.R being behind Long's assassination had no legs.One was F.D.R's chief accuser,Gerald L.K Smith,Long's chief of Staff,but Nazi at heart,a fiery preacher,who hated Jews(Long did not) who H.L Mencken called,"the greatness rabble-rouser since Peter the Hermit." Second reason was F.D.R bought off the Long machine,indeed,it was called the second Louisiana purchase.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Super Bowl super for CBS.Is deal in the works?

The Super Bowl was super for CBS.Because of Super Bowl and streaming profit at once and future Tiffany network saw profits beat estimates and healthy increase over last year.The earning per share were .73 beating estimate of .68 and increasing from last years .59 per share.Lots smiling faces at Black Rock and maybe merger with Time-Warner works?
Time-Warner might look at News Division.The once vaunted CBS News(undeserved in my opinion for Walter Cronkite,America's most trusted man,was untrustworthy very bias for example I remember when he said President Carter shown guts in appointing Ray Marshall as Sec. of Labor because organize labor wanted John Dunlop.Well that was misleading,while it was true Organize labor wanted Dunlop there second choice was Marshall and reason why Dunlop didn't get the job was because Women group and Civil Rights organizations opposed him because he was against affirmative action.)but wasn't Cronkite that make America people see light at very bias news at CBS it was Dan Rather story on President Bush and national guard.But under Scott Pelley(although he is a liberal)of three networks and cable CBS is most likely fairest of them all.Which might not being saying much but at least people are watching which is more then can be said about CNN.My God,when you Englishman Piers Morgan,who can't hold an America audience(nothing more Americas love then English accent)then you must be complete bore. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Went to McGraw Hill shareholders meeting today.

Went to McGraw Hill shareholders meeting today.Took the bus over G.W Bridge got off at 175 st Subway station,gone was newsstand for many years,nothing there.Took the A train down 59 st. switch to D got off at Rockefeller Center station.Walk around it's such beautiful area,so vibrant,it is in a way,the heart beat of city,the tall building,the people busting around, it's zest of urban living.
The meeting didn't start until 11 A.m,but the place open at 10 A.M and they had so spread,fruit,cake,coffee,O.J it very nice.
Then the auditorium open up,maybe because wood but had feeling of tabernacle.Now the leader Harold McGraw was o preacher,he was cool customer,very much the WASP,indeed,he had quite enthusiastic about task often praising his staff and himself,often in mocking or humor way.Although he later come across as elitist he was likable.
Said some interest things:like developed world(the U.S and Europe and Japan) account for 50 percent of world G.D.P today in 2030 it would down to 30 percent.Said he hope the U.S G.D.P would grew this year 2.5,China at 8 and India at 6.He was upbeat about his company but the aren't they all?