Sunday, May 26, 2013

The New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission won't be happy until they kill me.

The New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission won't be happy until they kill me.In New Jersey there is an Election Law Enforcement Commission,which I never heard,until they sent me a letter written in unclear and understandable manner in small print in very confusing way too.Saying since I'm candidate for office(City Council in Fort Lee) and have file with them,but no forms are sent and it's complex what there want requiring all sort of forms to be file.Does that make sense? Only to government agency.And there want very thing done by computer,which not very computer literate,but after a second notice from this absurd organization,I decide to try to apply to there demands.So went to library to try to get this done but saw no place to file.The second time I spoke to librarian and he help me out I saw were I can file but was leaving so I do next day.
But this time,they were thing in form what couldn't spell,I have dyslexia so I went back home,to my home computer,were I have book to look up words,so stay on computer to fill up the form,however,it stuck on date of primary kept refusing o be mailed,then it work but then it come up I needed a pin number.At this point,I have very high blood pressure,I decide to call the agency,got a cold woman on the phone,I was angry,I told her this stupid(don't forgot my campaign doesn't cost a dime) and have dyslexia and it's impossible to understand what you want and not computer literate and very went ballistic when said how one get a pin number,it's a Rube Goldberg concoction then she said this print out form you have front of mail it address on form and sign on bottom.Problem my printing doesn't work so next I had to library were a printed and wait to Tuesday,because tomorrow is Memorial Day no mail and want send it certified mail because didn't trust the S.O.B's.
The Election Law Enforcement Commission strikes me as phony organization and what is too the problem government.No doubt is sold as way to kept election honest but real mission is created jobs and kept people like me out politics.And it is design to life easy for people that work there at price of people like me.Such programs are put forth by people like State Senator Loretta Weinberg,this is same woman who when Maddoff stole her money she cry how complex the tax code was,well who makes the tax code complex? It's Loretta Weinberg of world but nobody does question on that that's why I hate the Left.The Right might be studid but believe or not Left has no heart for it ain't human.
Anyway today I have chest pains so if die I hope people blame the heartless Election Law Enforcement Commission.

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