Sunday, May 19, 2013

The four most underrated historical events

The four most underrated historical events:The Glorious Revolution,the America Revolution,World War One and the U.S.A and the West winning the Cold War.
The Glorious Revolution what's the big deal? I mean,there wasn't much violence and perhaps that's the point,you change the world without much bloodshed and indeed the world was change by Glorious Revolution,the idea divine kingship,that God appoints the king was brought to an end.For Parliament,men decided who would be there king.Of course,it went hand in hand with rise Protestantism,which means protest against the rule of Rome.The idea that Pope was God's spokesman and not just man was beginning to be rejected.That clergy was not morally superior to mortal men.
And of course,the American Revolution was greatly influenced by the Glorious Revolution and,in a way,the father of both was John Locke.I wonder,how many school children know who John Locke was? There know Karl Marx but John Locke I don't think so and says a lot about education and it ain't good.Also many will call the American Revolution, the American War of Independence and that misses the point.Yes,to Marxist or Englishmen perhaps the greatness of American Revolution is minimized.But it's greatest revolution of them all,for unlike French and Russian Revolutions, the darlings of sophistical simpletons,who dominated so much of the world of information and learning,the American Revolution was successful and brought to life the principles of John Locke that is it's man's right for Life,Liberty and Property.
World War One,was a harbinger of the world gone mad, unsavory political animals were hell bend on dominated the world.Because of War World One the world experience the second world war,Communism and Nazism and the unholy murder of a race.because old world was gone and men believe he had answers but the answers were worst then the questions.
And of America and West winning the Cold War without firing a bullet.This accompaniment of Roland Reagan and Thatcher and Pope John Paul the Second doesn't get credit it deserves because of a corrupt media and academia.

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