Thursday, May 9, 2013

Not much green to made if shorted Green Mountain Coffee.Ads have left Rush so may Cumulus.

Not much green to made if you shorted Green Mountain Coffee.Great earning report just yesterday and will have long term relationship with Starbucks.Last stock was 18 so many to was finish,David Einhorn said short,short the stock,maybe Einhorn was wearing his shorts to tight,less blood to the brain.Today Green Mountain Coffee is near 60.
Rush Limbaugh big mouth just might cost him a new deal with Cumulus Media(who owns WABC in New York).He has turn off advertiser with stupidity and arrogance,a man so full of himself,indeed,except for comments about media bias(where he still right on money)he full of stuff that doesn't smell so good.Limbaugh in recent years has become less of political commentator,or even an entertainer and more like cult figure,indeed,jonestown come mind something and his fellows taking Koo-aid a mindless march to defeat.

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