Saturday, May 4, 2013

Someday the people of Louisiana are going to get decent government and they ain't going to like it.

Today, as I went in library in Fort Lee,where I'm running for city council, a friend of mind ask what am I going to do for him? I said,I hope the of people Fort Lee aren't like the people of Louisiana in that I want to give them decent government.I'm reminded of what Earl Long(former Governor of Louisiana and brother to Huey Long) once said,"Someday the people of Louisiana are going to get decent government and they ain't going to like it."
Earl Long is less well know then brother,however,he too was a very colorful character.Indeed,a movie was done about Earl's life called Blaze named for Earl's girlfriend the stripper,"Blaze Starr",played by very sexy Lolita Davidovich,Paul Newman plays Earl Long.It's good movie,entertaining but not great. 
I went on talk about Huey Long,how he was radical with share wealth program and it is hard say,if he was man of Right or Left.When reporter ask him,where he got the idea for his share wealth program the Communist manifesto? Long said, no the bible.Somebody ask was he Governor or Senator he was both first governor,where he was like dictator in Louisiana.A strong armed Governor,few if any in American History had power he had as Governor.Built up a powerful machine,ruthless a pure demigod but give people what they wanted hope for better life,a more just society.
In 1930 Huey Long was elected to the U.S Senate and become national figure.Much fear by Franklin D.Roosevelt(F.D.R),indeed,it was said F.D.R feared two men:Huey Long and Douglas MacARTHUR.Long was planning to ran for President in 1936,conveniently he was he was assassinated in 1935.The assassin was Dr.Carl A. Weiss who was killed immediately,and let there say no dead man can't tell no tales.Now there were two reason why the story about F.D.R being behind Long's assassination had no legs.One was F.D.R's chief accuser,Gerald L.K Smith,Long's chief of Staff,but Nazi at heart,a fiery preacher,who hated Jews(Long did not) who H.L Mencken called,"the greatness rabble-rouser since Peter the Hermit." Second reason was F.D.R bought off the Long machine,indeed,it was called the second Louisiana purchase.

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