Friday, May 24, 2013

Steve Lonegan wrong on Charles Lee right on taxes.

Steve Lonegan,who now head of Americans for Prosperity,and boy do we need some prosperity now,and was long term mayor of Bogota,a small borough(town) in Bergen County,he also has been perennial candidate for office,including Governor but always losing.He very impressive fellow,I meet outside rec enter in Fort Lee,last Monday(5/20/13) before the Republican club had it's meeting and was guest speaker.I was walking with young men,maybe his son,who was acting like guild dog.Lonegan is almost blind yet never using it as political edge.Although his politics is bit extreme,but many issue we would agree,he is man of great character,far better then me.
Anyway he give lecture and started off with history of American Revolution which got wrong.He started with Charles Lee(who Fort Lee is named for) and said he was great general,but Washington was greater.Well,Washington was great general but not Charles Lee.Yes,Lee was Washington second commend and at first the patriots were glad to have because military experience,but quickly prove to be a disappointment.He was captured by British at Basking Ridge and there has been much speculation that Lee had committed treason,but this would know until 70 years later,British exchange and conduct in Monmouth Campaign was poor,he was a poor command to say the least.Which to court Martial,but not so his cowardly actions during but what happen afterwards, but he was vindicated in the trial.
Lonegan also mention Cornwallis was British general,Lee and Washington faced in North.Cornwallis was British in the South it was Howe bothers who Washington faced in New York and New Jersey Campaign.
But was right on money,with history of New Jersey's taxes and spending.It was until the nineteen sixties when New Jersey got sales tax and politicians would say this solve our problem but problem,hence,spending and debt got worse so 1975 New Jersey passed an income tax and politicians said this lower property taxes but instead there began highest in land as income tax went up and did sale tax as spending got out of control as so did the debt.

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