Wednesday, August 14, 2013

An Apple a day may kept you out of the poor house?

An Apple a day may kept you of the poor house? Carl Icahn thinks so and so David Einhorn(although if took his advice and shorted Green Mountain Coffee you just might wine in the poor house) David Tepper owns a lot stock,by the way, lately buying a lot bank stocks,indeed,second largest holding is Citigroup also is buying Bank of America stock.Charles Payne,filling in Sturt Vassey on Fox Business channel says charts say buy Apple: two Double Bottom and accumulation when stock hits bottom.
In the Barron's dated 8/5/13 there is title Green Mountain K-Cup problem.Green Mountain Coffee has been roll coaster in 2011 it was over 90 then fall in 2012 to 20,Einhorn said short but stock rose to 80.Problem is patent for single serving coffee(K-Cup) expired, now competition many companies are that business but Green Mountain seems to holding it's own.Management confident but article has it's doubt about long prospects for Green Mountain Coffee.

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