Saturday, August 10, 2013

The New York Times favorite reports for the Communist

The New York Times favorite reports for the Communist:are Herbert Matthews and Walter Duranty.
Matthews was less of evil of two,he was dupe of Castro leading people believe Castro taking power would lead democracy.When Castro took power many in U.S believe him to a democratic,largely on reporting of Herbert Matthews.Even Richard Nixon,who was Vice-President then didn't know what make of Castro,whether he was guy or bad.
Walter Duranty was most likely the worst journalist ever,and work for New York Times and win Pulitzer Prize.Duranty was a monster to do Stalin's bidding Duranty would paid by girls who like whip.I mean,this man was sick yet Times didn't care they were one few News outlets from the West that allow in Soviet Union in Nineteen thirties.It was feather in cap,and allow there front page to be used as propaganda sheet for the Soviet Union and this was done through the reporting of Walter Duranty.His reporting was unbelievable,Stalin was going to bring democracy to the Soviet Union,guaranteeing free speech,the press,religion and two house legislature all this on front page.I guess that was all news fit print and grey lady turned pink.What a disgrace the New York Times has done.

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