Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How the Fourteenth Amendment become law.

How the Fourteenth Amendment became law.It's interest story and Fourteenth Amendment maybe most important in the Constitution because it's part of what called Civil War Amendments,which passed after the Civil War but makes these amendments unique is they apply to the states.For was time in United States of America were Constitution only applies to federal government,but 13,14 and 15 amendments were aim at the states.Fourteenth Amendment takes some characteristic of Fifth Amendment in that state the state can't deprive any person life,liberty or property.
Now how did pass? The Constitution requires two third of vote in both houses for an amendment then third fourth of states must approve for amendment to become law.Well,14 amendment passed house but one vote short in Senate.John Stockton from New Jersey was key vote against but people yell foul since Stockton was elected to Senate only for plurality vote from state legislature(in those days senator were elected by the state legislature,which change in 1914 when 17 amendment became law)and not majority so he was removed Senate.problem was Constitution requires two third vote to expel a member,only majority voted to remove Stockton.The logic used was he was removed not expelled.Fishy but it work and 14 Amendment became law.

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