Sunday, August 18, 2013

Has the Left lost it's love affair with Obama ?

Has the Left lost it's love affair with Obama? Obama use to be the champion of the Left,indeed,to young hipster,he was cool,if you will, a rock star.But rock of ages marches on,politics demands reality and soaring rhetoric of young visionary soon becomes the tried words of an old man,this is nature of life and politics is life on  steroids.
It's curious thing despite Obama's victory on health care the Left isn't happy,they see as sell out,they want a single-payer system now.Also it's curious the Left didn't turn on Obama when he didn't nationalize the banks during the financial crisis,nor did with GM,yes the old GM went out business,hurting shareholders and bond owners,and new GM has some government ownership but not 100 percent,nor does manage it at all,it very much operates like any private owned company.Nor the Left wanted to notice Obama kept much of the Bush policies on fighting terrorism.No,what got the Left's goat was NSA scandel,big brother seems to be alive and well under Obama.
Now that's not to say,Obama if ran today would lose the election.Today the Left is lucky ,because the Right(which I am part of)is so insular,listening to radio talk(people like Rush Limbaugh) which is echo chamber,that lost touch with American people.There is no Ronald Reagan today,a true political genius,however, he was man of his time the nineteen eighties and that was more thirty years ago what work them doesn't fly these days.Plus Reagan was great man,for when you win a war without firing a bullet that is a remarkable accomplishment and sadly some stupid people on the Right don't appreciate because there was not bloodshed and people on Left are too bigoted to give Reagan credit.

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