Saturday, August 17, 2013

I know who JFK is sleeping with the saga continues:Mary Pinchot(the person JKF was sleeping with is murder.)

In previous blog,I mention story about Philip Graham(at the time the publisher of Washington Post) going to publishers meeting in Phoenix,as in Arizona,where Mr.Graham got up and started undressing and singing,I know who John Kennedy(JFK) sleeping with,and somebody called the White House and plane was sent(maybe Air Force One) to Phoenix and pick Mr.Graham and place him in mental institution and few months ago Graham committed suicide.Well,I learn the person who Graham was talking about,the woman who was sleeping with JFK was Mary Pinchot Meyer,who curiously she was murder about month before JFK.Also curiously her ex-husband Cord Meyer was high official in the C.I.A.
I remember,many years,maybe 40 or mores years)watching I think it was David Frost Show(the Englishman,who did famous interviews with Richard Nixon that movie was made of)and the guest was Benjamin Bradlee,who at the time was executive editor of Washington Post.He told an incredible story:Mary Pinchot Meyer was his sister-in-law at the time of the murder,he said he got hold of a diary and, get this, he said he hand it over to James Jesus Angleton.Bradlee he didn't know who James Jesus Angleton was that's very hard to believe.For Angleton was a legendary figure in the C.I.A know as spycatcher.Bradlee said Angleton burned the diary.
Both Mary and Cord had interesting backgrounds,both of their politics was Left-wing(it might surprise to know in early days of C.I.A most agents come from Ivy League and were liberal).Mary's uncle was famous Gifford Pinchot,know conservatives twice Governor of Pennsylvania.Her father was Amos Pinchot know radial,help founded the Progressive Party,but was far Left of them,he help finance the socialist,or maybe communist magazine Masses.
Cord also come from blue blood,old money family.He was a member of Communist party for a while
quit but believe in one world government as did Mary,indeed,they meet in a meeting of United World Federation which Cord was President of before joining the C.I.A

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