Sunday, August 31, 2014

Joan River her loss is no great loss for good manners.

I just listening to Sid Rosenberg on the WFAN,I like Sid but praised Joan Rivers and way he spoke I think she's dead.If she is it's no great loss for good manner.She was rude and crude and not very funny.I think a bit of phoney.How she had long career in show business is beyond me.I know her husband committed suicide, well if you were marry to her you do same think.A no talent,ill manered woman has gone no tears from me!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is Rush Limbaugh back on drugs?

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio show,indeed,I must be gluten for punishment,for he is so full of himself and it,you the stuff that doesn't smell too good.But listening to his program opening even for Limbaugh it was like listening to twilight zone.Unreal would be an understatement,for Limbaugh claim the media had stop polling because it would show a wave election for Republicans and that Obama's approving rate was off the charts bad.But polls are shown and aired in media everyday,so what is this clown talking about? Maybe he's back on drugs!
Limbaugh reminds of my mother,who was pathological liar.This is not first time Limbaugh has been off the rail.I remember when the C.E.O of Goldman Sachs was testifying in front of Senate Committee.Limbaugh claimed there was conspiracy,including Fox,to blackout the hearing.Well nothing could be further from truth,all cable networks,including Fox and it's business network,covered the hearing live,indeed,before I tone into Limbaugh I saw the hearing live both Fox News and Business News and CNN.I mean,sometime makes stuff up out of whole cloth and he's most popular radio talk show host.He hurts the Conservative movement because he says so many untruths and stupid things.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Is James Foley the American David(Don) Pacifico?

Is James Foley the American David(Don) Pacifico? Who was David,know as Don,Pacifico? He was a Gibraltar born merchant whose property had been destroyed in 1847 in riots in Athens against the Greek government.What's that old saying the more things change the more they don't.Anyway,Don Pacifico was a British subject,who appealed to Foreign Minister Henry Temple the third Viscount Palmerston,Anglo-Irish aristocratic,for help.Lord Palmerston ordered the fleet to Athens and threatened to bombard the city if the Don's claims were not satisfied.The Greeks caved!
Palmerston took much fire at home,men like Cobden,Bright(who once said about Disaeli,"He is a self-made man and worships his creator")and Gladstone protest Palmerston action saying it was Gunboat Diplomacy.Palmerston defended himself by saying,"A British subject,in whatever land he may be,shall feel confident that the watchful eye and the strong arm of England will project him against injustice and wrong."
Too bad we don't have stateman Palmerston anymore,indeed,I fear the murder of James Foley will never to hold to account for his crime.

Does the President have Syria or Golf on his mind?

In the ebb and flow of events,history is often made often by man pull in the hysteria.Leader can be sucker punch into action nominally never do.Obama's dilemma is he is seem as soft,a paper tiger,that can be rolled.Putin has made fool of Obama,like he did with Bush,but Bush was seem a man you don't fool him,indeed,he will send boots on ground.Obama like so many leader after World War One sees conflict as losing game,hower,he's losing he's grip on the White House,henceforth,he just may go to war in Syria,that is,if golf doesn't get in the way!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Shake up in French Government.Israel in about face cuts interest rates.

The French cabinet either quit or fired by the President of France.France is now governed by Fifth Republic,a concoction that Charles de Gaulle came up with,for made the President all power but leave the day to day operations of the government with the Prime Minister and cabinet who are answered to the President.Foreign affairs are purview of the President,despite having Foreign Minister in the cabinet.
In 1958 France was at the verge of civil war over the Algerian Gaulle was seem also man to hold the country together.He demand extraordinary power to kept country hold,hence,the Fifth Republic was born.
Israel,Norway and Australia have taken hard line kepting there interest rate upper then Europe,the U.K and U.S.However now chance of course,in the land of milk and honey,henceforth,Iarael is cutting rates.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ferguson Missouri brings out the worst in America the racial divide

Ferguson Missouri brings out the worst in America the racial divide.Anytime a White shoots a Black it's big news in America,maybe because it's rare,or maybe of media bias,or white man's guilt.When such shooting occur most Blacks,ironically,have lynch mentality and most Whites no matter how looney the white shooter seems comes to his defend.George Zimmerman was lunatic,however,he had no intent to kill,he just wanted to be a hero,bit off more than he could chew,panic and kill the young man,henceforth,he shouldn't been charge with murder,manslaughter yes and should been found guilty of manslaughter.The Cop in Ferguson seem to have what is know of the evidence is against him.Even if the young man charge him, attack him did he have shoot him 6 times? I mean,couldn't he uses his fists,or billy club,or pepper stray?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Will Romney pull a Nixon?

Will Romney pull a Nixon? Tonight I was watching the Brian Lamb show on c-span and had Pat Buchanan as a guess.Buchanan is something of fool,but interest man,honest to a fault.He has just written a book on Nixon's comeback in 1968.Of couse,after his defeat in 1962 Calfornia governor's race Nixon was finish.On Lamb's show they shown Nixon infamous press conference a day after losing the Governors race,Nixon finish by saying this,"But as I leave you,I want you to know-just think how much you're going to be missing.You won't have Nixon to kick around any more,because gentleman ,this is my last press conference"
But like Napoleon,Nixon return from political exile to wear the crown.Can Romney do the same? Last year when Ilooked in Romney's face I saw a lot of Richard Nixon,I also saw a lot father George in his face.Some combination George Romney and Richard Nixon.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is Bull market over or does it still have legs or I'm full of bull?

It's strange world we live in,much dissatisfaction in public psych,the feeling is the world is going hell in hand basket,however,the stock market goes up and up.How come? Well there deja vu,we've been there before and world is still here and good time do come.Also profit are driving stock market companies are making more with less revenues.This might explain why the unemployment remain high despite the recovery.
Today in Wall Journal in the money & investing section front page there is graph showing from 1990 to today the Price earning ratio(P/E) for the stock market it shows when the bull ended in 2000 the P/E ratio was 30 today it's 17 the avg. is 15 so maybe the bull of today has legs.
The fact companies are making more money with less revenues mean there are more efficient.Good thing? Well,it mean they employ less people it's what Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction
yes it leads to unemployment,but lowwer and better goods,in long ran it's good for economy;however,Iam remeber what John Maynard Keynes said,"in the long ran we are all dead."

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today(8/13/14) in the NY Daily News on Robin Williams.

Got a letter to the editor published today(8/13/14) in the New York Daily News on Robin Williams.This is what I wrote that appeared in the paper,"Deep in our souls we search for the light side,and comics like Robin Williams give it to us.He lives on through movies,TV screens and mordern devices that old dinosaurs like me don't understand.It's ironic that comics like Williams who give us the light are such dark characters themselves,troubled by demons of the mind.What a talent Williams was,not only a great comic but a very underrated actor.
Indeed,one of my favorite movies is "Dead Poets Society" where he was masterful as an inspiring young English teacher whose good work leads to tragedy-which speaks to Williams' life and the joy it give us."   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Two different concept of war.

In today's world,there are two different concept of war.One in west,which believes in clean wars(i.e no citizen harm and rest world, particularly the Muslim world, believe in total war where citizens are seem as soldiers.We see this in Middle East coverage,the West is outraged with Israel because of all the citizens death of Palestinians,I guarantee Hamas doesn't see that way,to them citizens are soldiers they live expendable for the cause.
Now clean war,is new idea in West.I think it started in Vietnam War America was held to higher standard the Vietcong,like hamas saw citizens as soldiers and of course they win.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Forty years ago they shot down the eagle

Forty years ago they shot down the eagle.The eagle,of course,was Richard Nixon the Left had to destroy him for Alger Hiss,the Soviet  Agent who was expose by Nixon.THe Left never forgot Nixon for this Hiss was there darling,a New Dealer,a Harvard Man,a man of letters.But was a Soviet Agent,henceforth,Left got back at Nixon by a coup called Watergate.The mastermind was mostly a Jewish Left-wing banker Felix Rohatyn.He gain entree into the Nixon Administration visa-a-vis,believe or not,William Casey-yes the same William Casey,who be head of C.I.A in the Reagan Administration and of course involved in so-called Iran-Contra Affair.Nixon appointed Casey to be head of the Securities and Exchange Commision,in his inauguration ceremonial he invited Rohatyn where he meet Nixon for first time.At the time,stock market was in trouble(when isn't it?)and Rohatyn was on committee to try sovle the problems,so Nixon ask Rohatyn to call John Mitchell very night and tell him what him.Rohatyn would call and invariably Mathra would answer the phone roaring drunk.
Watergate started out as anti-trust action by government against ITT.Felix(the cat) Rohatyn was on the board of ITT because his bank(an investment bank) Lazard Freres & Co. was biggest shareholder of ITT and Rohatyn become the point man for ITT in settle this matter.A deal was struck ITT would pick the tab for Republican Convention in San Diego and Government's suit against ITT would be drop.But Jack Anderson,no doubt with help,believe or not,Brit Hume,yes the same man at Fox News,broke the story,henceforth,the scandal began which lead to Richard Nixon's resignation.Curiously according to William D. Cohan book,"The Last Tycoons" it's implied that Rohatyn was going to be indicted,however,at last moment the paper work was lost-suspicious to say the least.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Tea Party candidate for Senator in Mississippi is giving Tea Party a bad name by being a sore loser.

The Tea Party candidate for Senator in Mississippi is giving the Tea Party a bad name by being a sore loser.I was listening to Mike Gallagher on radio and he was doing his show from Mississippi,he usually does it from New York,but trying stir pot for this loser McDaniel(the state senator who lost to incumbent Republican conservative Thad Cochran U.S Senator)and Thad Cochran is a real senator,not firebrand who hurts the Right.Why is Gallagher is in Mississippi they beat a dead horse.McDaniel lost get over it.McDaniel there is nothing worst spoil sport.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why do they hate Israel?

Why do they hate Israel? Well,antisemitism is the obvious and mostly the main reason but there less dastardly reasons.I think many in non-Jewish Left see Israel as apartheid South Africa,but honest many in Left loved Israel when it was land of the Kibbutz(i.e Socialism) but then it win its wars,so wave of future become a monster.Now Right,which ironically has began very pro-Israel at least in United States in the beginning of Israel was very suspicious that Jewish State was Communist tool.Indeed,Ibn Saud(king and founder of Saudi Arabia) once told his very good friend Franklin D. Roosevelt that Zionism was a Soviet trick.
One does wonder if Harry St.John Philby(the traitor Kim Philby father) influence Ibn Saud on his views on Zionism and Jews or was the other way around? St. John was pro-nazi maybe that's why he's son was a communist.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The wit and wisdom of Bob Dole.

Believe or not,this morning I was watching MSNBC'S Chuck Todd program and to my amazement it was very good.A little suspicious of Chuck Todd because calls himself a cultural Jew.I'm Jewish but don't know what culture is certainly Chuck Todd doesn't live life of orthodox Jew,indeed,I suspect his lifestyle has nothing to do with a Jew,indeed,it remember of what Israeli political scinceist once said about American Jews,"they lives like WASP and vote like Puerto Ricans",a bit unfair to Puerto Ricans who before the selfish Right-wing radio talk show host strew their poison how evil this hispanic alien invadions of America is,forgot time heals all wounds.Those same miscreants,on the public radio airwaves,who demonize Hispanic,suck up to the Jews,eventhough most Jews would hate these Right-wing motors mouths.
Anyway,Todd interviewed,a great man who should been President Bob Dole.The elder stateman look old but speak with rye of nature,indeed,I remember when he went to JKF school of government,ask the crowd how many Republicans are in this room? About two hands went up,them Dole asked about many Democrats are this room? About three hundred hands went up.Dole laugh and said we have something common,after war(World War Two) the local Democrats apporch me(Dole) to run for County Attorney and I was going to do,however, I looked across the county and saw there was twice as Republicans as Democrats so decided to run as Republican.
As remember Dole saying after 2000 Presidential election:forget all this talk about the popular vote,if I can't carry Kansas I would be very popular. Of course, Dole was refering to fact Gore won the popular vote,but lost his home state of Tennessee.