Sunday, August 10, 2014

Forty years ago they shot down the eagle

Forty years ago they shot down the eagle.The eagle,of course,was Richard Nixon the Left had to destroy him for Alger Hiss,the Soviet  Agent who was expose by Nixon.THe Left never forgot Nixon for this Hiss was there darling,a New Dealer,a Harvard Man,a man of letters.But was a Soviet Agent,henceforth,Left got back at Nixon by a coup called Watergate.The mastermind was mostly a Jewish Left-wing banker Felix Rohatyn.He gain entree into the Nixon Administration visa-a-vis,believe or not,William Casey-yes the same William Casey,who be head of C.I.A in the Reagan Administration and of course involved in so-called Iran-Contra Affair.Nixon appointed Casey to be head of the Securities and Exchange Commision,in his inauguration ceremonial he invited Rohatyn where he meet Nixon for first time.At the time,stock market was in trouble(when isn't it?)and Rohatyn was on committee to try sovle the problems,so Nixon ask Rohatyn to call John Mitchell very night and tell him what him.Rohatyn would call and invariably Mathra would answer the phone roaring drunk.
Watergate started out as anti-trust action by government against ITT.Felix(the cat) Rohatyn was on the board of ITT because his bank(an investment bank) Lazard Freres & Co. was biggest shareholder of ITT and Rohatyn become the point man for ITT in settle this matter.A deal was struck ITT would pick the tab for Republican Convention in San Diego and Government's suit against ITT would be drop.But Jack Anderson,no doubt with help,believe or not,Brit Hume,yes the same man at Fox News,broke the story,henceforth,the scandal began which lead to Richard Nixon's resignation.Curiously according to William D. Cohan book,"The Last Tycoons" it's implied that Rohatyn was going to be indicted,however,at last moment the paper work was lost-suspicious to say the least.

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