Monday, August 25, 2014

Shake up in French Government.Israel in about face cuts interest rates.

The French cabinet either quit or fired by the President of France.France is now governed by Fifth Republic,a concoction that Charles de Gaulle came up with,for made the President all power but leave the day to day operations of the government with the Prime Minister and cabinet who are answered to the President.Foreign affairs are purview of the President,despite having Foreign Minister in the cabinet.
In 1958 France was at the verge of civil war over the Algerian Gaulle was seem also man to hold the country together.He demand extraordinary power to kept country hold,hence,the Fifth Republic was born.
Israel,Norway and Australia have taken hard line kepting there interest rate upper then Europe,the U.K and U.S.However now chance of course,in the land of milk and honey,henceforth,Iarael is cutting rates.

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