Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today(8/13/14) in the NY Daily News on Robin Williams.

Got a letter to the editor published today(8/13/14) in the New York Daily News on Robin Williams.This is what I wrote that appeared in the paper,"Deep in our souls we search for the light side,and comics like Robin Williams give it to us.He lives on through movies,TV screens and mordern devices that old dinosaurs like me don't understand.It's ironic that comics like Williams who give us the light are such dark characters themselves,troubled by demons of the mind.What a talent Williams was,not only a great comic but a very underrated actor.
Indeed,one of my favorite movies is "Dead Poets Society" where he was masterful as an inspiring young English teacher whose good work leads to tragedy-which speaks to Williams' life and the joy it give us."   

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