Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why do they hate Israel?

Why do they hate Israel? Well,antisemitism is the obvious and mostly the main reason but there less dastardly reasons.I think many in non-Jewish Left see Israel as apartheid South Africa,but honest many in Left loved Israel when it was land of the Kibbutz(i.e Socialism) but then it win its wars,so wave of future become a monster.Now Right,which ironically has began very pro-Israel at least in United States in the beginning of Israel was very suspicious that Jewish State was Communist tool.Indeed,Ibn Saud(king and founder of Saudi Arabia) once told his very good friend Franklin D. Roosevelt that Zionism was a Soviet trick.
One does wonder if Harry St.John Philby(the traitor Kim Philby father) influence Ibn Saud on his views on Zionism and Jews or was the other way around? St. John was pro-nazi maybe that's why he's son was a communist.

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