Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is Rush Limbaugh back on drugs?

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio show,indeed,I must be gluten for punishment,for he is so full of himself and it,you the stuff that doesn't smell too good.But listening to his program opening even for Limbaugh it was like listening to twilight zone.Unreal would be an understatement,for Limbaugh claim the media had stop polling because it would show a wave election for Republicans and that Obama's approving rate was off the charts bad.But polls are shown and aired in media everyday,so what is this clown talking about? Maybe he's back on drugs!
Limbaugh reminds of my mother,who was pathological liar.This is not first time Limbaugh has been off the rail.I remember when the C.E.O of Goldman Sachs was testifying in front of Senate Committee.Limbaugh claimed there was conspiracy,including Fox,to blackout the hearing.Well nothing could be further from truth,all cable networks,including Fox and it's business network,covered the hearing live,indeed,before I tone into Limbaugh I saw the hearing live both Fox News and Business News and CNN.I mean,sometime makes stuff up out of whole cloth and he's most popular radio talk show host.He hurts the Conservative movement because he says so many untruths and stupid things.

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