Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The wit and wisdom of Bob Dole.

Believe or not,this morning I was watching MSNBC'S Chuck Todd program and to my amazement it was very good.A little suspicious of Chuck Todd because calls himself a cultural Jew.I'm Jewish but don't know what culture is certainly Chuck Todd doesn't live life of orthodox Jew,indeed,I suspect his lifestyle has nothing to do with a Jew,indeed,it remember of what Israeli political scinceist once said about American Jews,"they lives like WASP and vote like Puerto Ricans",a bit unfair to Puerto Ricans who before the selfish Right-wing radio talk show host strew their poison how evil this hispanic alien invadions of America is,forgot time heals all wounds.Those same miscreants,on the public radio airwaves,who demonize Hispanic,suck up to the Jews,eventhough most Jews would hate these Right-wing motors mouths.
Anyway,Todd interviewed,a great man who should been President Bob Dole.The elder stateman look old but speak with rye of nature,indeed,I remember when he went to JKF school of government,ask the crowd how many Republicans are in this room? About two hands went up,them Dole asked about many Democrats are this room? About three hundred hands went up.Dole laugh and said we have something common,after war(World War Two) the local Democrats apporch me(Dole) to run for County Attorney and I was going to do,however, I looked across the county and saw there was twice as Republicans as Democrats so decided to run as Republican.
As remember Dole saying after 2000 Presidential election:forget all this talk about the popular vote,if I can't carry Kansas I would be very popular. Of course, Dole was refering to fact Gore won the popular vote,but lost his home state of Tennessee.

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