Saturday, January 26, 2013

Charles Krauthammer the new Buckley or Malcolm Muggeridge? And words from Tennyson

Yesterday watching c-span I saw event sponsored by National Review,Rich Lowery was host and the seductively magnetic Charles Krauthammer,in a way,was in firing line but it was friendly fire.Krauthammer was at his witty and charming,indeed,how fitting the event was from National Review for one could almost see ghost of William Buckley. And one wonder is Krauthammer the next William Buckley? True enough there is no ham and eggs with Krauthammer for he is kosher,but sureness of intelligent put Left on guide for believe only they have power of mind and somebody who isn't in there camp just might be smarter then them it drive them crazy as Buckley did now it just might Krauthammer turn.
One Buckley's favorite guest was Malcolm Muggeridge,the English journalist,also man of great wit.Like Krauthammer Muggeridge started out as man left but one difference Muggeridge was Communist until he went the Soviet Union in nineteen thirties,Krauthammer even when his was liberal was always anti-communist.
Find out something interesting today:the product Sweet'N Low comes from poem from Tennyson"The Princess:Sweet and Low"
Here are some words from it:Sweet and Low,sweet and low,
                                                Wind of the western sea,
                                                 Low,low breathe and blow,
                                                  Wind of the western sea!
                                                  Over the rolling waters go,
                                                   Come from the dying moon,and blow,
                                                   Blow him again to me:
                                                    While my little one,while my pretty one,sleeps.

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