Friday, January 25, 2013

Davos a conferation of fools?

Many years ago a book was written called the,"Brightest and Best" and point these genius weren't so bright,for bight young man sometimes call whiz kids of the Kennedy Administration were largely responsible for our debacle in Vietnam. There arrogance to education,a belief that education leads to wisdom but this faults,often education lead to conformity of thought it straight jacket on society and more believe education less creative we will become we become mindless people who can't thin for themselves.
I thought this watch a show of the ridiculous the economy summit in Davos.Where pompous,are put parade marching to politically correct brand pretending to be all knowing and lecturing the world right course action.But man doesn't have answers,indeed,this particular true with dealing economics;after all,if man could manage an economic the Soviet Union would still be business today.
What got my goat,was watching Tom Keene(may misspelled his name I'm bad speller I have dyslexia)anyway his bow tie guy from Bloomberg singing the praises of Larry Summers and Paul
Krugman(a real loathful creature) statement then even conservatives now have there ear.First,I don't believe that truth,second it remember of what Nixon said back in seventies,when President.We are all Keynesian now.How did that work out? Not too good.
I remember a speech to House of Lords Harold Macmillan(who was P.M from 1957 to 1963 and left main because doctors said he was a goner,curiously he didn't died until 25 years later) anyway Macmillan said,President Reagan did very wise thing are as President he firer all the economist.How did work out? I think very well. 

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