Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What will happen in Obama's second term?

It's bloody damn cold today,heat in apartment on and off mostly off.Much talk about Obama's second term.I think mostly empty talk,for few reasons.First I think Obama is empty suit,not much there,oh yeah he is bright guy but no direction home.And then nobody knows what is going to happen in the next four years not even Obama For Obama is no Reagan,no F.D.R oh yes his smooth operator bless with much stupidity on Right,indeed,he may own his job to Rush Limbaugh and cohorts like him,who care little about conservatism and much about rating so can make much money.These Right-wing talk show hosts promote same losing strategy which charge light brigade which brave man die for nothing.And say the dumbest things,indeed,one day expect one these miss inform malcontents will claim Obama was born on Mars and it's the Red planet,hence,Obama must be a Red.

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