Friday, January 18, 2013

Rememering days back in Shephard Collage.

Somehow the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band come to mind.Love there song,"I just want be a cosmic cowboy"
I use to sing it all time at Shepherd Collage back in nineteen seventies.To me it doesn't seem that long ago,just flash in time when I had life which ended when back to New Jersey to live with mom and new husband Al Spieglass,a man who just didn't seem complex or a real nothing, back in 1983.
Anyway,I remember Ron Miller so well,now a state Senator from West Virgina,maybe now Jay Rockefeller is retiring from U.S Senate and Congressman Rahall(rhymes with a-hole) might ran for senate maybe Miller will ran for Congress.
I also remember Mark P(can't spell his last name off hand) also from Greenbrier County,great guy left Shepherd Collage in his second and my too year went to W.V University,I doubt he become Rhode Scholar,I mean smart but I think he wasn't into school but mater I wasn't either.Anyway last I heard he live in Washington D.C a place I would love to live and die in,indeed, if only buy apartment Alban Towers which once owned by grandfathers cousin,when it was Hotel of some note built in nineteen twenties the cousin brought in the nineteen sixties like ran down,it's now apartment building and historical landmark.

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