Sunday, January 6, 2013

John Purroy Mitchel a tragic end to a promising life.

Who was John Purroy Mitchel? I doubt many know time washes away figures from history,of course,with Mitchel tragedy of his ended life that could have lead to White House. Is one of those
enigmatic figures who steps in history is important for while then fades away from public memory.
His grandfather was Irish revolutionary(all be it an protestant) his father fought for Confederacy yet he become a political favorite of Yankees WASP establishment.He would mark his mark municipal reformer-forcing out office Manhattan Borough President John F. Ahearn over Becker scandal(dealing with murder of Herman Rosenthal.Mitchel ran on fusion ticket for mayor in 1913 and won.
But the earth was about to come tumbling down in 1914 with start on World War One. The city at time,had large Germany and Irish population which wasn't pro-British.Mitchel strongly supported American getting into war on side of the English,indeed, on 3/1/1917 at Princeton University,where not long ago President Wilson had been President of Princeton,it stirring pro-war speech,talk about universal military training plus say we look at Germany as model for preparation for war the speech wildly received by the students,they loved it but not people New York.For Mitchel's Pro-War stances cost re-election in 1917.So enlist in Air Force and in Louisiana when took plane up air and so showing off skill by flying the plane upside drown he forgive to tire himself in plane,hence,he drop out of the plane and fell 500 feet to his death,hence,ending a promising life.

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