Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Panama Canal expansion could mean boom for Eastern ports.

Panama Canal expansion could mean boom for Eastern ports.At least the Port of Miami hopes so,for spending a billion dollars in updating the port,dredging(making the port water deeper for larger ships) and other things.The ports of Norfolk and Baltimore are expected to benefit the most from Panama's expansion,New York Port well water is deeper enough the Goethal bridge will have to raise and other improve most be maded and hope there policial will to do job;after all,what made New York is it was and still is port town,trade follows commerce lead to finance banking and Wall Street made the City a world force.
A curious thing George Washington Goethals was one main engineers of Panama Canal,indeed,he was governor from 1914 to 1917.He also built the Goethals bridge.He died in 1928 one America's great engineers.
All commerce active in Eastern part the U.S should good for railroad CSX,a favorite stock my for they for Norfolk Southern are just about only two railroads in Eastern U.S
Market went up today FED Open Market Committee seem likely to continue bond purchases,hence, more money in system,more money to buy stocks.

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