Sunday, October 6, 2013

Today there are no RINOs in Republican party

At least for last twenty years or so there are no RINOs in Republican Party.Despite what Rush Limbaugh and his mucky cohorts on loud mouth talk radio say the days of Fiorello La Guardia and George Norris,Hiram Johnson real RINOs are long gone.Take La Guardia yes he ran for mayor as Republican,and for Congress except in 1924 when party Sam Koeing refuse the G.O.P for La Guardia , the little flower ran as Socialist that right socialist,was what he was,and just about never support a Republican for President or any statewide office. 
George Norris U.S Senate from Nebraska rarely supported Republicans for,indeed,he even supported Al Smith in 1928.For Norris was something of Socialist,a great believe in public power,indeed,TVA was brainchild,also strong support of nationalizing elevator gains and price support for farmers.But foreign he was very much isolationist.
Hiram Johnson as Governor of California become an enemy of big business and in particular the Southern Pacific Railroad.A bigot against the chinese.Left the G.O.P and become T.R's ranning mate on Progressive ticket came back to G.O.P and first supported Republican President but broke with Hoover and become a New Dealer while still in G.O.P Was strong isolationist,indeed,only one three Senators who voted against the U.N

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