Monday, October 14, 2013

When the headless radio voice or talking heads say this is worst of times there full it.

When the headless radio voice or the talking heads say this is worst of times there full it.Today and last few days you heard much talk about Congress being dysfunctional and people can work together and worst of times, as far as, parisen bicking and temperature in WAshington of passions are running at all time high.What nonsense,perhaps people need a history lesson today Washington passions are far more in check then days of your.All one has to do,is think(if that doesn't lead to headaches)back just before Civil War(talk about time America was divided) when a Senator from Massachusetts Charles Sumner was almost caned to death by Preston Brooks.
It all had do with bloody Kansas(the Kansas-Nebraska Act) which dealt with spread or limiting slave states,which lead to Civil War.On May 19-20 Sumner delivered scolding speech againt the Kansas-Nebraska Act. called "The Crime against Kansas."A master of invective,he single out as his special victim Senator Andrew Pickens Butler of South Carolina,who was not there to reply.Two days later Sumner was almost caned to death by Preston Brooks,Buller's nephew.Brook's action caused outrage in the North but in South many saw him as a hero.Strangely,Brooks would died,suddenly and unexpectly just short after the incident from throat infection(perhaps wrath of God).Anyway,he was given a hero's funeral in South Carolina,which outraged the North and was precursor to the Civil War.   

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