Thursday, October 3, 2013

Was John Kennedy a Right-winger?

One of great myths of American history is that John Kennedy(JFK) was man of the Left.It simply not true,indeed,if you take a look at his two most famous movements in his Presidency,his Inaugural speech and his speech in West Berlin,one could argue was a man of the Right!
JFK's inaugural speech best know line was:"My fellow Americans,ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for country." Well isn't called for patriotism,or if you will nationalism? It is cerntainly not call for the walfare state,which soul and life of the Left.And eailaier in speech JFK says,"Let every nation know ... that we shall pay price ,bear any burden, meet any hardship,support any friend ,oppose any foe to asure the survival and success of liberty." Now could you see Obama saying that? Or for fact any left leaning politician some how I think not! No,Ronald Reagan might say that,maybe George W. Bush or John McCain but no lefty.
And JKF in 1960 campaign made much of missile gap,that we were behind the Russian in missile,when true was we(the U.S.A) was far ahead,however JKF did increase our spending on Defence and particular on missiles.Nixon was dove and Kennedy was the hawk,including invading Cuba.Kennedy also cut taxes for the rich some left-winger,no that is that media and academic world wants people to believe but it's not true!  

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