Thursday, October 31, 2013

Will Puerto Rico be the next Detroit or even Russia or Argentina?

Will Puerto Rico be the next Detroit or even Russia or Argentina? Puerto Rico is heavily into debt,indeed,it's third largest Muni market in U.S only the states of Cal. and New York are larger.One different from Detroit is much smaller market.But worries,or should worry investors is Puerto Rico doesn't have many natural resources,which isn't true with Russia or Argentina and yet despite being rich in natural resources both countries defaulted.
A Brazilian billionaire looks like he will default,or his oil company and steel company.
The economy seems to be going nowhere not up,but not down FED is still buying bonds crazy.
On Fox business news the crazy judge on the Englishman's show is full it,stating Virginia has been Republican State for fifties years.First it ran by the Byrd machine,old Harry Byrd had tight reign on the Old Dominion.Byrd was old fashion southern Democratic,not tune with Democratic party nationly.In 1969 the first Republican Governor was elected since Reconstrution Linwood Holten,a liberal Republican especially on race.Virginia has since gone back and forth between Democatic and Republican.

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