Monday, September 30, 2013

My Lincoln-Douglas and Kennedy-Nixon moment

Last thurday I had my Lincoln-Douglas and Kennedy moment.It was debate for the borough council of Fort Lee,which is really a town but legally a borough.It was fun but a bit tension,I lost myself in world at moment had some good line blow a good line.The line I blow was in responds my opposes calling the overdevelopment in Fort Lee a renaissance.I said,in respond "Some renaissence".It's like a grotesque park they've created". I meant to say it's like a grotesque jurassic park.But good was "They should call the(the council) the House Lords." Because no Republican has been elect to council in about twenty years.The same people stay power no matter what,it ain't democracy. 
Of course,the most famous debate in American History was Lincoln-Douglas Debates which made Abraham Lincoln a rock star.For he was not well know,certainly not as well know as Stephen Douglas.Lincoln shared the stage with little giant as Douglas was know.Douglas was formable man,know as great orator yet Lincoln hold his own and as they(whoever they are)say the rest is history.
The Kennedy-Nixon debate made John Kennedy.Not that he top Nixon,he didn't but hold his own,don't forgot Nixon was Vice-President and had some stature,Kennedy on the oter hand was little know Senator,who accomplish very little in Senate was know as playboy,a rich men's son,indeed,a lightweight.Also what help Kennedy was he look cool and refresh,Nixon on the other hand,look haggard,sweat from lips,not pretty picture. 

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