Sunday, September 22, 2013

William McKinley maybe the most underrated President in American History

William McKinley maybe the most underrated President in American History.McKinley not T.R was probably the first modern President.To outsider he seemed unwiting tool of special interests,a dope control by Mark Hanna.But reality was Hanna was McKinley's partner,however,Hanna was junior partner ultimately McKinley was the boss.Mckinley great strength was his ability to say no but nicest way,to point were people felt bad for him because they made him say no.Of course,while McKinley was mild manner and soft spoken and nice,Hanna on the other hand,was plain spoken and gruff.One time Henry Cabot Lodge at convention in 1896,went to Hanna and said mak sure the gold standard is in the platform.Hanna replied,who the hell are you?
Some important acts in the McKinley Administration:The Dingley Tariff Act-This act imposed the highest tariff up to that time it remain in force until 1909.The act was passed 1897.Also passed in 1897 was Northern Pacific outlawing the killing of seals.Also sign in 1901 National bureau standard,reality mordenizing government.Of course,the Spainish American War dominated McKinley's Administration it showed the world America would soon be dominate player in world.

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