Thursday, September 5, 2013


Yesterday,on the Fox Movie channel,it was old film,in black and white,call Murder,Inc.It was about real Murder Inc. which started in early 1930s,Meyer Lansky idea of army of professional killers,who would kill on contract,but between kills they got a salary,insurance and pension benefits.
This was Peter Falk first movie,he is most remembered for playing on T.V the detective Columbo,great actor.Anyway in this movie Falk plays a real character Abe Reles.
It was Reles testimony,he did deal to save his own neck,that lead to the execution of  Louis (Lepke) Buchaler,who ran murder,Inc. Lepke as he was known was biggest fish(gangster) ever execution,indeed,he was a millionaire.He was executed on 3/4/1944 at Sing Sing which is in upstate New York I think near Ossining,which as kid I was at the reservoir there maybe 1963.

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