Friday, September 6, 2013

Hankey Pankey spymaster or bureaucrat:The life and times of Maurice Hankey

Hankey Pankey spymaster or bureaucrat or both:the life of times of Maurice Hankey,1st Baron Hankey.Maurice is one of those man in history that molded it,but public knows little about even in his heyday for he was a behind scenes operative.
He was very a produce of English public school(which of course are private) his school was Rugby,made famous by the book "Tom Brown's Schooldays" witten by Thomas Hughes.Hankey joined the Royal Marine Artillery and so on the Ramillies battleship.He so impressed Admiral Sir John Fisher(very much a legend in British Navy) what when Fisher became Second Sea Lord at Admiralty in 1902,Hankey became a member of his staff despite being so young.
In 1907 he return to sea,as the intelligence office for the Mediterranean Fleet,shortly after he was appointed to the Committee on Imperial Defence,a forerunner to M15 and M16.In 1912 he become the Secretary for the Committee,a position he hold though out World War One.In that position,he worked very closely with Prime Minister David Lloyd George and he notice the ideas of Major Ernest Swinton for tanks and brought to attention of Winston Churchill.
In 1919 he was made Secretary of the Cabinet a post he held for nineteen years.At same time he kept his position on the Committee on Imperial Defence and he was also Secretary for British Delegation in the Paris Peace conference.
After government service,he become a British Government Director of the Suez Canal Company a pot he only held for year.For war was brewing and Neville Chamberlain wanted him back in government,hence,he made Minister without Portfolio in War Cabinet.Churchill who didn't trust or like Hankey perhaps because of what John Colville(Churchill's private secretary,in U.S it's chief of staff)wrote in his book "The Fringes of Power" on page 50 date Sunday 11/12/1939 "Winston's speech has made a very bad effect at No. 10 but the F.O and the city take a favourable view.The Italian and Dutch Representives protest at the F.O. and Rab Butler tells me he thought it beyond words vulgar.The Cabinet were evidently embarrassed;but Hankey(who,I am tod always "suck up")
expressed great approval to Winston".
Maybe Hankey could see Winston would be the P.M and Winston wasn't buying it.For Winston got Hankey out of the War Cabinet,made him Duchy of Lancaster and the Paymaster then out of government.  

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