Friday, September 13, 2013

Did John Kerry pull a Dean Acheson?

When John Kerry make off cuff remark about how Syrian crisis can be void,giving up their chemical weapon to international body:it was,in a way,redux Dean Acheson remarks about America's spear of influence in Asia,when didn't mention South Korea in that spear which may have lead to Korean War.Kerry's off cuff remark was pick very quickly by Putin,who then play America for fool and just might lead to another,or made America look like a paper tiger.
Strangely,Kerry and Acheson have some similars:does the word aristocrat come to mind?In a way,Kerry is a half fake aristocrat,although,plays the play very well.For Kerry father was Jewish,a fact that hidden from public for years,yes mother's side of family was WASP aristocrat.
Acheson was a pure aristocrat,indeed,his background is pure Connecticut Yankees his family dates back to pre-revolutionary times and many of kin were Episcopalian clergyman.  
There differ on the Kennedys and Vietnam:Acheson thought the brothers JFK and RFK were punks out of there league,of course,Kerry was JFK wannabe.On Vietnam Acheson was a hawk,Kerry headed the Vietnam vets against the war.

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