Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today's front page story in the New York Post reminded me of my days with N.Y.C.L.A

Today's front page story,in the New York Post reminded me of my days with the New York County Lawyers Association (N.Y.C.L.A) and it has nothing to do with fleas.For front page of Post,has picture of Spitzer and a dog licking him and big letter headline,"Which Dog HAs Fleas?" In small print is what story is about,"Spitzer's 70G to shady Dem group."
The reason it reminded me of my days working at N.Y.C.L.A(which worked from 1998 to 2006)one,Spitzer when he was Attorney General for New York(A.G) use to hang there all time,indeed, a few times I come almost face to face with him,unlike many politicians when you made eye contract with him he'ill would acknowledge you.Also I got feeling by looking at him close up,his head was always spinning,or other words he was always thinking,like chess master think three moves ahead.
Also what got my attention was former disgrace Brookyn Democrat Chair Clarence Norman was involved with this shady group.Now Ravi Batra was very important member of N.Y.C.L.A when I work there,but at that time he was being sued by some lawyer claiming he was hogging the patronage from the Brookyn Courts.Curiously party chairman(boss) Clarence Norman was on Batra payroll,work in his lawyer firm as council of.Now Charles Hynes,Brookyn D.A now fighting for his politcal life did prosecuted Norman which lead to demise in politics.

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