Friday, September 20, 2013

Abraham Lincoln the most unlikely man to be President

Abraham Lincoln the unlikely man to be President.In the mid-1850's if you say Abraham Lincoln would be elect President in 1860 people would say Abraham who? Now if said,Stephen Douglas would President many would agree with you.The rise Lincoln was meteoric,to say the least,a clumsy
backwoods men,but with gift of words and despite being ugly a likeable man would shake world,indeed,when he died his War Secretary Stanton put it so well,he now belongs to ages.
After being Congressman,for short period,leaving politics because he opposed the Mexican American War.Few expected they would ever heard from him again,but it issue of Kansas-Nebraska Act that Lincoln back in politics.And it's his House Divided speech running for Senate in Illinois that made him a national figure plus the Lincoln-Douglas of campaign.In a sense,Lincoln lost the battle in that campaign-Douglas win the Senate seat,but Lincoln win the war for campaign lead to presidency and as say the rest is history.

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