Sunday, September 8, 2013

The wrong men

I just saw the movie the Wrong Men it was great.It was Albert Hitchcock film,with Henry Fonda,a great actor,this was the only film Fonda and Hitchcoak did together.This film deals with mistaking identity and how people rush to judgement denying justice and criminal justice system can easierly make mistakes.Fonda did two other film with simliar themes:The Oxbow Incident and Twelve Angry Men also great films.
I remember Albert Hitchcock doing interview on late David Frost show and told an amusing story about Jewish and the English public schools(which of course are private).Hitchcock said,a Jewish businessmen sent his son to elite public school and end of day,the boy look beat up.The father said what happen? The son said,there beat up because of was Jewish.Father angrily said,to his son,tell those boys Jesus Christ the founder of their religion was a Jew,and they should be ashamed of themselves for beating up a Jew.Well the next the businessmen again found his son crying and beat up,and businessman said to his,well didn't you tell about Jesus Christ? And so said,yes father but they said they never heard of the gentlemen.

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