Wednesday, September 11, 2013

12 years later after 9/11 and what have we learned?

12 years later after 9/11 and what have we learned? Nothing! We in the West have lost our guts.Oh yes, after 9/11 there was brave talk about us taking military against our foes but as time went on and things got meeses as will in war America,indeed,lost it's nerve.
I remember 9/11/01 very well,for at time I work at New York County lawyers Association(a Bar Association but dealing with lawyers will make go to real bars) which katy corner to World Trade Center.Never forgot morning,first I was running late then elevator I saw Denise,a nice asian girl who usually dressed conservatively  was wear flaming red dress.Then on A train at 59 st. station an announcement due to police investigation the A train would not go the eighth Ave. Line. Got subway got Lexington Ave then heard talk the Pentagon was attack,I thought himself my God World War Three,but then I thought and said to myself that can't be Russians are now our friend this this mushroom be wild talk,but train stop 28 St. and got out and saw a mushroom cloud over downtown I knew something big and bad had happened.

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