Monday, September 16, 2013

The sun won't shine on Summers. Yellen seems to be the men

The sun won't shine on Summers for Yellen seems to be the men.Of course,she is a women and if she becomes FED Chairman she will be first women to FED Chairman.Of course,Wall Street seems to like a woman's touch for easy money.
There have been interesting character,and by the way,Summers was interesting character,a smart guy but big mouth which I think did him in.Some FED Chairman from past Eugene Meyers(owner of the Washington Post)Hoover point man of the economy and first President of World Bank.Follow by Marriner Eccles,who was FDR's man but believe or not he was a Republican and Mormon and one of riches men in the West,however,he believe in Welfare State,big government spending and high taxes on wealthy and on inheritance.Truman fired him.
William Martin was chairman of FED from 1951 to 1970.His father had written much of law then foundered the FED.Martin himself was first paid President of the NYSE then Treasury official in Truman Presidency then FED Chairman fired by Nixon.Arthur Burns follow Martin then Volcker,who along with President Reagan help the American people regain confidence in american economy.

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