Thursday, December 8, 2016

Russia sells a small part Rosneft.

Russia has sold 19.5 percent of huge energy company Rosneft to Glencore ( I think a Swiss commodities company and Qatar a small Persian Gulf State with lots money.
A other Persian Gulf state with lots of money Kuwait just brought a office building in Newark New Jersey for 165 million.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Germany courts give relief to Utilities.

Germany Courts give relief to Utilities. Merkel fades out Nuclear power, believe or not, for coal in 2009. The Courts ruled the utilities must be compensated for lost of nuclear power.
Italy banking system just may melt down. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Has the thirty year bull market in Bonds ended?

This month was worst month for Bonds since records have been keep for Bonds. Higher rates, fear of inflation, Trump 's plan tax cut and  infrastructure spending does lead to fears of inflation.
A story in Barron's on 11/21/16, Speaking of Dividends by Lawrence C. Strauss tittle " As Bonds Fade, Consumer Staples' allure Dims" And this list he give that might be good investment: Colgate-Palmolive (which I own a lot shares of) J.M Sucker, Sysco, Mead Johnson Nutrition, CVS Health, McCormick, Mondelez International (which I own a few shares of) Walgreens Boots Alliance, Estee Lauder, Whole Foods Market, Molson Coors Brewing, Hormel Foods.   

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post 11/20/16 on why students at Virgina University should respect Jeffson's words.

Got letter to the editor published today in the New York Post. This is what appear in the paper:" Any student who doesn't understand what Thomas Jefferson meant to liberty doesn't understand history and, perhaps shouldn't attend the University of Virginia.
It's completely mindless that people judge the past by contemporary social standards.
Yes, Jefferson was a slaveholder. But his words are responsible for freeing more people than any other document in history."

Monday, October 24, 2016

Donald Trump is full of beans (that's why he doesn't smell too) when tells people he can renegotiate trade deals and add a Contitutional amenment within his first hundred days

Donald Trump is full of beans (that's why he does smell so good) when tells people that he can renegotiate deals and put forth Constitutional Amendment for term limits to Congress within his first hundred days.
First of all trade deals aren't easy, just lo0ok at Canadian deal with the EU. I think took 7 years of negotiations and at the end of day it was veto by one half of country southern  Belgium.
Constitutional Amendments are very hard to pass: the common way is two-thirds of Congress ( both houses) must pass then it goes the states where three quarters of states must approve.The other way is two-thirds of state petitions for a convention.

Friday, October 14, 2016

From the Wall Street Journal on 10/3/16 a list a major country debt and % government in G.N.P

Government debt as a share of GDP: Japan 233%, Italy 147%, France 116%, U.S 107%, U.K 103%, Canada 94% and Germany 80%.
Government expenditures as a share of GDP, 2015: France 53.4%, Italy 49.2% Germany 43.5, U.S 40.9%, Japan 40.1% and the U.K 39.9%  

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published today 10/4/16 in the NY Post on Trump and taxes.

Got a letter to the editor published today (10/4/16) in the New York Post about Trump and taxes. This is what appeared in the paper:" As business and tax cheat Leona Helmsley once infamously put it, "Only little people pay taxes."
Well, I'm one of those little people.
Trump saying that not paying taxes makes him smart is like saying, Let them eat cake."
Meanwhile, you have people like Chris Christie saying Trump's a genius for losing almost a billion dollars.
Do these people have no shame?"

Monday, October 3, 2016

Giuliani is a fool.

Rudy Giuliani once America's mayor, now in foolish defend Trump is looking so foolish. Defend taking oil from ISIS, how does one do that? You need a large ground force and international courts would rule the oil belong to Iraq anyway.
Then Giuliani calls Trump a genius for losing near a billion dollar, it reminds one how many Germans call the Fuhrer a genius in the 1930's.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

On C-span #3 this morning saw the Kennedy-Nixon debate where Kennedy use dog whistle to appeal to anti-semtic.

On C-span #3 saw the Kennedy- Nixon debate. Kennedy has gotten away with using a dog whisle to appeal to anti-semtics. For more then once he refer to the Javits-Nixon, which was different approach to Medicare. The point is Javits was Jewish and very liberal Republican the type southerners would hate.
What lost Nixon the debate, beside Kennedy seeming to be his equal was the way he look when Kennedy was speaking,he's eyes were shifty and chin struck out like cartoonist dream.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What do John Stumpf and Heather Bresch and Kaepernick have in common?

What do John Stumpf and Heather Breach and Kaepernick have in common? They are disgraces and should lose there jobs.
John Stumpf,Chairman and C.E.O of Wells Fargo, has to go, whether or not, he knew about phony accounts for his boss, he makes millions, and it's job to knew what happening in his shop.
He's testimony to congress was disgraceful, saying he can't comment crawbacks, especially the lady who got 100 million dollar to leave while small lost not jobs maybe there future.
Then there is Heather Bresch, C.E.O of Mylan, who jack up price of life saving device so she could made millions. The product cost around 2 dollar, a first it sold for around 60 dollar, but price jump up 600 dollars.
Kaepernick the guy who must play football without a helmet. He talks about cultures other then West, how there more tolerate and of course that's all such bull shit, in Islam Gays can be kill for being gay,yet Kaepernicks of  theworld do not understand this there hate America( Kaepernick makes 11 million a year for throwing a football, I guess that social injustice) there care little justice in places like Cuba and Zimbabwe and media makes Kaepernick some sort of hero.      

The polls for U.S Presidency don't make sense.

The polls for U.S Presidency didn't make sense. Many national show close race, but states polls show something different: example today in tracking done by LA Times/ USC it shows Trump will 5 point lead over Clinton national, but Siena show Clinton with 21 point lead in NY, Cal a Field Poll shows Clinton with 17 point lead- something is wrong here. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Daily News today 9/11/16 about 9/11/01 and it's aftermath.

Got letter to editor published in the New York Daily News today (9/11/16) about 9/11/01 and it's aftermath.
This is what appeared in paper," The 15th anniversary of 9/11 is upon us, haunting us like the ghost of Christmas past, for that fateful day I worked caddy corner to the World Trade Center and was ready to go to work, when for some reason, my smoke alarm went off, so I was late and avoided the mayhem. Was it the hand of providence giving me a warning? Who knows. But I think fate rules our lives. What struck me three weeks later as I returned to my place of work was the look on people's faces. There was grimness; people seemed like zombies. I had the feeling I was in Berlin in 1947.
There was the smell of rubber burning, like the smell of death. People looked at the ground, just stared with a sense of disbelief, the eerie feeling that maybe this was the end of the world. As time goes on, the memory isn't lost, but it is faded and one learns like is ephemeral and goes on and lives with the promise of a better day." 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hollywood is going to remake the Bond Movie,"From Russian with Love" stating Donald Trump.

Hollywood is going to remake the Bond movie," From Russian with Love" stating Donald Trump.
I mean, Trump is candidate of Right kissing up to former K.G.B General. And many who attack Obama for giving a message to Dmitry Medvedev before the 2012 election that after the election the U.S and Russian could have better relationship, give Trump a pass on support of Putin.
Trump is the Manchurian Candidate.
It's strange nobody has pointed out when Trump used America First for foreign policy, it bring back memories of Gerald L.K Smith,who ran for President in 1944 on the ticket America First, Smith was a Nazi. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

Trump is wrong why America has drug problem.

Trump is wrong why America has drug problem. He's game is raw appeal to prejudice, blame on Mexicans,brown skin devils, different culture, different language, easy target for haters to blame,they even blame the Mexicans for Heroin problem in New England. Well Heroin is grow in Asia and enter it enter the U.S directly visa-vise Canada and if don't believe just look at map.
The reason why America has drug is because Americas want to take drugs. You know conservatives use to believe in personal responsibility but not only but much of Right-wing media blames verybody drug except people that use drugs. You know, if there was no demand for drugs there would be no drug trade, for no money could be made.        

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Will scandal undo Hillary Clinton?

Will scandal undo Hillary Clinton? Not likely! Look at history: in 1964 Barry Goldwater try to wrap Johnson relationship with Bobby Baker and Walter Jenkins.Indeed, I remember as child,in the schoolyard P.S 98 murmur was Lyndon,Baker, Jenkins stands for LBJ.
Bobby Baker was Johnson right hand man in Senate,change with corruption, Walter Jenkins was Johnson chief of staff, he was arrested in men's room having sex with a boy. Johnson win by landslide, because Goldwater was seems as far Right-winger.
Now election of 1972, McGovern try paint Nixon with scandal but Nixon win by landslide, again McGovern was seem as far Left-winger his main domestic program was 100 percent tax on inherence over a $100,000 to me that is Communism and most Americans at the time agree.   

Denmark cuts economic forecast because of Britexit. Apple fined 14.5 billion. Case-Shiller maybe trouble ahead for economic.

Denmark cuts economic forecast because of Britexit.
Apple fined by the EU, for Irish tax dodge.
Case-Shiller index shows real estate still going up by at slower pace, maybe a sign of economic downturn.
Will Fed raise interest in Sept. ? I don't think so, I think they will wait until the Presidential election is over: because interest hike might lead stock market to take hit which would help Trump,so in a way, I can't blame them for hold off raising rate until after the election,Trump is a nut job.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Best Buy up and J.M Smucker down

A bigger winning today in Stock Market is Best Buy, up about 5 dollar and 17 percent gain,not bad stock declare die by analysts. I few years ago, I brought Best Buy at 14, when everybody said it was headed for graveyard. A few ago years,on it's death watch,  it was best performer in S&P
But I did make big mistake buying Peabody Energy Barron's ran story a few years ago, when Peabody was 35 that in three years it could be 70. Well last I look Peabody was about buck, but less it had reverse split( I think something like 15 to1) so it's price is like 20 cents- w2hat a loser!
Today's loser is good company J.M Smucker down almost 12 a 8 percent lose in value.Strange it has good dividend about 2 and half yield, very safe, and defence play food must be brought no matter the bad economy times.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

John McLaughlin R.I.P

John McLaughlin died today at age 89, good long life. Best know as the host of McLaughlin Group, but before he have colorful career. Started out as Jesuit Priest, then ran for U.S Senate in Rhode  Island against John Pastore, a gothic figure in Rhode Island politics. McLaughlin got creamed but grutten for punishment he then work in Nixon White House as speechwriter In 1971( I think) 60 minutes did story on him, which show me the bias- left-wing bias- in the media. For harp on fact he worn very expensive business suits. I mean they wouldn't do story on very Left-wing priest Father Drinan who worn his collar, and in a way by wearing his collar Drinan was stating his moral superiority,never mind that if Drinan was man of Right the media would have harp on separation of Church and State.    

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The ghost of Margaret Chase Smith lives in Susan Collins.

The ghost of Margaret Chase Smith lives in Susan Collin. Both ladies residence in Maine,Smith has been die for many years,but was the U.S Senator from Maine for many years,Collin is still the U.s Senator from Maine. Both denounce demagogues in there own party: in Smith's case it was Joseph McCarthy,in Collin's case to was Donald Trump.
Margaret Chase Smith was first woman consider for spot on national ticket. When a reporter ask her,what would she do if she found herself awaking up in White House? She reply,first I would apologize to Mrs. Truman then go home.
Joseph McCarthy had sense of humor too! 7 other Republican Senator denounce McCarthy too! McCarthy relied, there where snow white(Margaret Chase Smith) and the 7 dwarfs.  

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Bank of England cuts it's prime rate to near zero.

The Bank of England cut it's prime rate to .25 could Negative interest rates be around the corner? In the 300 years history of the Bank of England this is lowest interest have been.
In the U.S is a negative yield curve around the corner? And if so is sign a recession around the corner?
A negative yield curve is when short term rates are higher then long term rates and while we haven reach it yet the yield curve is flatten.
But sign for  stock the other day I saw new highs over two hundred while new low were under 20. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Donald Trump bigotry is his game.

Poor Donald he inspire us to be so nasty,but fruit is beginning to rot and he will leave the Right to soak in his bigory. He call a Judge born in Indiana a Mexican. Somebody I know called Mr.Khan, who was insulted by Trump a Pakistani (no doubt taken from Right-wing talk radio. Well Mr.Khan is American citizen,a lawyer and knows a lot more then that idiot Trump on U.S Constitution. And son give ultimate price for America.Yet this person calls him a Pakistani Trump has given America much, his taken a lot and should honor Mr.Khan and his son
This morning watching MSNBC a former Trump aid, said Mexican heroin. Well most heroin isn't grow in Mexico,87 percent comes out Afghanistan and either it ship directly to the U.S or it's brought in the northern U.S( places like New England and Ohio) though Canada and if don't believe me just look at map. Yet nobody complains about Canadian border. Why? Does word racist come to mind?       

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Is Keynesian economics dead?

Is Keynesian economics dead? Keynesian economics which work very well from the end of World War Two to the 1970's when stagflation kick in, but in 1980's President Reagan did the other side of the coin of Keynesian economics, tax cuts and FED in late 1970's into the early eighties under Paul Volker raised interest over 20 percent and it all seemed to work until the financial meltdown of 2008. Now the fed has interest rates (the Fed Funds which are loans bank made to one another overnight are near zero) and it doesn't seem to be working.  

Friday, July 22, 2016

What's more important Hillary's pick for V-P or Verizon buying parts of Yahoo?

What's more important Hillary's pick for V-P or Verizon buying parts of Yahoo? One of the people Hillary's short list is Virginia Senator Tim Kane, who will not raise cane because he's unassuming. But interesting family relation: his Father-law was first Republican Governor for Virginia in 100 years (from 1969-1973) also did much to deseparate Viginia public schools.
Verizon will buy parts of Yahoo- Marissa Mayer is out but don't feel too bad for her she get 50 million for good-bye, Ailes he won't be ailing for money on his way out of Fox News for his good-bye 40 million, not bad for dirty old man.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

First time every ( at least since the Soviet Union) Russia is the top exporter of wheat.

First time every (at least since the Soviet Union,I think in Czar time Russia did export much wheat and maybe under the Czar Putin it's return) Russia is top exporter wheat. From more then 50 years U.S farmers exported more wheat then anyone, but recorded Russia surpassed the U.S.
U.S Dollar way up, oil down. How will a strong U.S Dollar play against commodities?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Food companies hot this summer.

Food companies hot this summer, for Danone makes a bid ( 10.4 BILLION) for WhiteWave , an American company that makes dairy alternatives,you know health stuff like organic milk.
Kraft-Heinz wants to buy Hershey, which was target many years ago, any takeover must get approval of the Trust Fund which control Hershey, last the trust down  the takeover bid.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Becker scandal

In other time,other era, sometime very apropos for today a policeman committing murder with an ethnic group in cross hairs very upset.
The Becker scandal was worst scandal in NYC police history. It lead to execution of Charles Becker in 1915. Who was Charles Becker? He was a lieutenant in NYC police Dept., and get this name, Commissioner Rhinelander Waldo made Becker head of vice. Becker ran a criminal ring from police Dept. One of Becker's criminal enterprises was doing business with Herman Rosenthal, a well know gambler. Becker demanded more and more money from Rosenthal and when Rosenthal refused to pay, Becker shut down his operation. Rosenthal went to the new squeaky clean district attorney Charles Whitman( the grandfather of husband of former New Jersey Governor).To chagrin of many powerful people Whitman went after Becker.  Becker order his thugs to kill Rosenthal which was done, Becker and his thug were arrested.
The trail open 10/7/1912 the prosecutors were Charles Whitman and his assistant Frank Moss. Becker had impressive team John Mclntyre, Lloyd B. Stryker, and George Whiteside.The judge was hanging one by the name of Goff.
The jury found Becker guilty, however, the conviction was overturned in the Court of Appeals.
The second trail started on 5/2/1914 this time the judge was Samuel Seabury( years later gain fame from the Seabury commission) Becker had new defense team: W. Bourke Cockran( who was lover of Winton Churchill's mother, it's said Churchill copy his speaking style from Cockran) and John Johnson, Martin Manton. Whitman this time handled the case himself.
Whitman changed strategy instead depend on witness you turned state evidence,he depend on testimony of James Marshall, a young black,who had been on Becker's payroll as informer but had not participated in Rosenthal murder, however, so there when Becker give order to kill Rosenthal. The defense belittle Marshall, mock him, as black man who can't be trusted to tell the truth. the jury didn't buy it again Becker was found guilty and sentenced to death.
Whitman was elected Governor and ironies of ironies the only person that could save Becher from the chair was Whitman by pardon it didn't happen and on 7/30/1915 Becker was executed in Sing Sing prison.                

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Donald Trump the new Nixon?

Donald Trump has said he's Law and Order candidate, it bring back the 1968 campaign when country seems to falling apart: riots in our cities, high crime rate so Nixon used theme of Law and Order to win the presidency.
And despite being disgrace Trump doesn't mind the comparison with Nixon.
I hate Trump, but one few that likes Nixon. For one thing nothing came easy for Nixon and dyslexia that hits home with me. Plus I think Watergate was payback by the Left for Nixon exposing Alger Hiss for Soviet Agent he was, indeed, I wonder if Watergate wasn't a coup.  

Friday, July 8, 2016

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post it's about Elie Wiesel R.I.P

Got a letter to the Editor published today( 7/8/2016) in the New York Post- it's about Elie Wiesel R.I.P. This is what appear in the paper:" Wiesel saw the very worst in human nature and how men could be manipulated into barbaric actions. Such tales of honor often go untold.
Wiesel's life should remind us of the words from British statesman Edmund Burke:" All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Warren Buffett is right markets are stonger then countries.

Warren Buffett is right markets are stronger then countries. For of the companies U.K will go on, but maybe not the U.K it's self. Scotland and maybe Northern Ireland. Shareholders or people thinking about owning share in U.K companies, should about this: unlike most of Europe the U.K doesn't withhold dividends (except for R.E.I.Ts) and like most Americans companies most  U.K company pay dividends quarterly.Of course, if they leave the U.K that could change.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

After Orlando Christie say we should take the fight to ISIS, but his boss disagrees.

After Orlando Christie (Governor of New Jersey) say we should take the fight to ISIS, but his boss (Donald Trump) disagrees. For isn't taking the fight to ISIS the Bush Doctrine?  And isn't Trump opposed Bush Doctrine.
Besides his (Trump's) headline comments which are incendiary, Trump is what Jeane J. Kirpatrick( our U.N Representive from 1981 to 1985) would called in 1984, A San Francisco Democrat who blames America first and Trump does he believes in Fortress America.      

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Got a Letter to the Editor published in New York Post today on what's important in fighting terrorism

Got a Letter to the Editor published in the New York Post today (6/16/16) on what's is important in fighting terrorism. This is what appeared in the paper:" President Obama no doubt has the best intentions.
However, the president's also very thin-skinned, just like Trump and won't be honest about terrorism.
For some reason, Obama is focusing on the controversy over the words "Islamic terrorism" and not on how law enforcement missed this monster."

Monday, June 13, 2016

Blackrock warns about Illinois bonds.

The investment company Blackrock last week warned about owning Illinois  bonds.Now Blackrock owns Illinois bonds yet they give the warning. This week Illinois will go to market trying sell half billion in bonds, most people thing they will have no problem because bonds will have yield of 3 percent, compare to Germany which is paying and nothing and Japan and Switzerland have negative interest rate.

Monday, June 6, 2016

A letter to editor I got published today (6/6/16) in the New York Post why Donald should get he's hands on our nuclear codes.

Today I got letter to the editor, published in the New York Post,on why Donald Trump should never get his hands on our nuclear codes. This is what in the paper: The Post (New York Post) can spin what Hillary said about Trump all it wants, but the truth is he's an imperious, impetuous man-boy who shouldn't have knowledge of the nuclear codes."

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Obama's disgrace going to Hiroshima.

There was no good reason for Obama to go to Hiroshima, indeed, it was slap in face of a near great President Harry Truman.
I have no doubt that President Obama trip t Hiroshima was done with best intention, but I am reminded of the word of a French Monk who said the to hell is full of good intentions.
Yes, the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima killed many in most brutal fashion- perhaps the only good think coming out of the nuclear warfare is taken the glory of war- however many more lives were saved from barbarity of war by using the bomb on Hioshima, and not just Americans solders but many Japanese too! For at the time, the Japanese had absolute obedience to the Emperor and bomb make Emperor see the light, that Japen can't win the war and must surrender.
Of course, the thing not taught in schools because Left has brainwash world against the United States, is that the Soviet Union didn't declare war on Japan until the bombs were droped, indeed the Soviet
Union for most of WW2 had diplomat relationships with Japan and Japan contacted the Soviets asking for channel to the West to start peace talk, however, Soviets never forwarded the message from Japan.      

The Saudis buy into Uber. Macy stock goes up today. The GAP reports better earning then excepted.

The Saudis will invest 3.5 billion in Uber. David Plouffe who was Obama's Campaign Manager in 2008 is Uber's Senior VP of policy.
Phillippines budget gap grows.
OPEC punts, no change but pick a new execute director from Nigeria.
Nigeria and Venezuela near the brink.
Macy sock went up about 3 dollar 4% now at 35 dollar.
The GAP reported better then expect earning.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Secret deal with the U.S and Saudi Arabia from 41 years ago to buy U.S Treasuries .

Watching Bloomberg News this morning an interesting story come fruition because Bloomberg sued the U.S government freedom of information act and the U.s government release the fact 41 year ago a secret deal for Saudi Arabia to buy U.S Treasuries was made. In 1974 the U.S had worst economy sine the 1930's so President Nixon needing money to finance the government reach out Saudi Arabia and sent Sec. of Treasury William Simon to Saudi Arabia to get the deal done. The only thing Saudi Arabia was that deal be kept secret.
Saudi Arabia for first time might to into debt market, maybe as much as 15 billion dollar. Last week Qatar had successful bond offering 9 billion far more then anyone excepted- maybe the Saudi's took note.
The Phillippines just elected a new President, who wants to bring back the death penalty and maybe bring some Communists into government. He barely defeated Marcos son. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Low end Brick and mortar stores seems to be doing ok.

Low end Brick and mortar stores like Dollar Tree, Big Lot and Wal-Mart all seem to be doing ok. The high end like Macy and Nordstrom seems to be losing ground, now reason given for that is people are shopping on line, however, it may be due to economies. Fear of the economy buy cheap.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Riots in French because the Socialist government is trying lay law on unions.

Riots in French because the Socialist government is rein in unions.
Mozambique about default on it's loan.
Qatar just rise  9 billion in debt twice as much as investors expected.
Bill Gross shorting debt.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Donald Trump is ringmaster and Ted Cruz looks like Brian Williams.

Watching T.V news today, I don't know why but Trump struck me as ringmaster as were riots outside his event.Maybe thirty years ago, I saw Trump on T.V and struck as evil.
In newspaper the New York Daily News I saw picture that thought was Brian Williams but it was Ted Cruz both lie and mislead as does Trump.

Except for Box retail store the retail stocks seem stronger then people think.

Best Buy earning were far better then people were lead to believe,yes the stock did go down little because the outlook by the company was for downward trend. But many retails seem ok yes big drops in Box store retail like Macy, however, because of there huge drop good value has been created, plus those stock pay good dividend which I think is safe.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wal-Mart stock went up today almost 10%. Since Jan L Brands has drop like rock.

With better profits and revenues today unlike most retail stocks Wal-Mart stock went up nearly 10%. Still pays almost 3% yield on dividend. Everybody loves Amazon but they aren't shareholder friendly no dividend.
Since Jan. L Brands stock has fallen from 90 dollar to 60 dollars. Victoria secret is out?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Opportunes for the income investor in falling Retail Stocks?

Yes, the old fashion Retailor: like Macy, Nordstrom,Target Kohl's stock have drop like rock, however, is time for income investors to take a look at them? They pay very high yield now( Kohl's 5.8 percent, Macy 5.3 percent and both Target and Nordstrom pay good dividend too!) and time being I think the dividends are safe now compare to Amazon yes it's stock seem to go up and up but who know what price would be in six months? Amazon doesn't pay dividend so it ain't so safe and most investor far better t o dividend paying stock then a high flyer, who just might ran out gas and crash into the sea. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Christie who Trump made his transtion lead man(by the way that will never happen) once put Trump's relative(by marrage) behind bars.

What strange world we live in, yesterday Trump appoint Christie to head his transition team,of course, there will be no transition team for Trump because he won't be elected president,but what makes sticky situation is Christie put Ivanka Trump's(Trump's daughter) father-in behind bars. Charles Kusher (Ivanka's father-in) the biggest landlord in New Jersey was put trail for corruption by Christie, Charles bother-in was going to turn state's evidence, so Charles hirer a prostitute to entrap his bother-in to blackmail him not testify against him.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The day F.D.R give H.L Mencken some of his own medicine.

This week much talk about White House Correspondences Dinner, where President tries to be witty and throw some insults at his critics.But classic case of reality dishing it out to a critic came not in the Correspondences Dinner, but rather at Gridiron Dinner back in 1934.
H.L Mencken, the legendary newspaper man, and critic of the New Deal spoke, then it was Franklin D. Roosevelt turn to speak, and spoke about the Press,and this is what he said," shot through with stupidity, coward and philistinism and staffed by men who could not pass the entrance examination for Harvard and Tuskegee, or even Yale."

It was several minutes before the audience came to realize that he was quoting from Mencken's essay," Journalism in America."    

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Got a letter to editor published in NY Daily News on 4/19/16 on the Presidential Candidates

Got a letter to editor published in New York Daily today (4/19/16) on the Presidential Candidates.
This is what appear in the paper:" One side has Empress Dower (Hillary Clinton) and Howard Beale (Bernie Sanders). The other side has the Manchurian Candidate (Donald Trump), the Televangelist Ted Cruz) and John Kasich as Don Quixote. What an unusual cast of characters running for President."

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Western Civilization is under attack by the institutions it created.

I live in Fort Lee, New Jersey and go the liberty a lot, well in this Easter season they had exhibition of religious art. With in few days, the Board of Trustees order the painting down sighting a conflict with separation of church and state.
A friend of my ask me to write a letter to the editor, which I did it wasn't published. I try to fit letter with papers editorial defending the rights of Gays and Transgender people.
And have heard great universities like U.C.L.A not requiring English majors to take Shakespeare, but all students must tale diversity course, no doubt tell students spuriously  Western Civilization is bad and other cultures are more enlighten.
So this is what I wrote:" We live in a world upside down, were we glorified cultures that are hostile to Gays and Transgender people, just look at Pakistan and Iran, and our educational institutions are trying to eviscerate Western Civilization and it's so ironic because these institutions are produces of Western Civilization it's self, second Western Civilization embraces individuality, henceforth, making society far more tolerant of people who are Gay and Transgender.
Yet a few days ago, I saw this fear of honoring Western Civilization giving into the tyranny of the minority. For Fort Lee Library had a art exhibition of some religious paintings, I think it was very appropriate for Easter Season, and Easter is far more then a Christian holiday, for in a sense it give birth to idea of redemption, such key to the theme of Western Civilization.
Yet the Board of Trustee sore fit to take down those pictures in the name of separation of church and state. I guess nobody told them that Congress opens each session with pray and, indeed, the Fort Lee Library was closed on Good Friday.
By the way, some people might think I'm a pig for expressing such views, but that's not possible for I am Kosher. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Trump's unsavior relations.

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka marry Jared Kushner, who's father is Charles Kushner, biggest landlord in New Jersey and convicted felon.
When Charles learn his bother-law would turn state evidence against him, he hirer a prostitute to seduce his bother-law to blackmail him not testify against him.
And these are people you want in White House? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Is wild man Langer left-wing populism making a comeback ?

Is wild man Langer's left-wing populism making a comeback? Who was William (wild man) Langer?
A U.S Senator from North Dakota (from 1941-1959) believe or not a Republican( of sorts today he might be called a RINO) an isolationist, supported most of New Deal.
I believe Langer was youngest men to from Columbia University. After that he return to North Dakota and allied himself with the Non-Partisian League (NPL). The NPL was a farmer's alliance taking a anti-war stand and supporting the nationalization of grain elevator and railways and believe or not it took over the Republican Party, years later in 1956 to merge with Democrat party.
Langer an unorthodox politician, to say the least, won the governorship running as Republican in 1932 but endorsing Franklin D. Roosebelt for President.In 1934 the state Supreme Court removed him from office on the charge that he unlawfully sought campaign contribution  from state employers. The action, later overturned by a federal court, but damage is his name, but still won election as governor in 1936 and senator in 1940( very much against the war) 1946 ( only one of three senators that voted against the U.S joining the U.N) and again in 1952 and become a thron on side of Eisenhower Administration.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Were Alberto Fujimori and Augusto Pinochet necessity evils?

Where Alberto Fujimori and Augusto Pinochet necessity evils? There were hard men, however, there rule might saved there nations from evil fates. Yes there methods often were evil, however, in Fujimori case there was Shinning Path, who brought havoc to Peru and think people were better off because of his rule, maybe that's why his daughter on first ballot win for President the most votes 38% now runoff because winning must get 50%.
Pinochet saved his country from Communism  that is why is hated on Left. Communist leaders no matter how bad they are most times don't go to jail at worst there leave the country like Eric Honecker of East Germany ironically he went to Chile and was left alone.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

A letter to the editor I got published in the Record (the largest newspaper in northern New Jersey) on how think I got dyslexia.

Today 4/9/16 Saturday, I got letter published in the Record ( the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) on how I think lead poisoning cause my dyslexia.
This is what appear in the paper: "Stopping lead exposure to children is something very close to my heart. When I was a child the paint on the radiator in my bedroom was beginning to flake away into little pieces and I probably put a good many pieces into my mouth.
I now suffer from dyslexia. I don't know for sure if lead poisoning caused it, but I do believe that we should work night and day to made sure no child is exposed to lead poisoning."

Monday, April 4, 2016

Where is today's Disraeli?

Disraeli who brought back to life a dormant conservative, so much needed on the Right today. How did save the conservatives from themselves?  But show conservatism more then liberalism could benefit the working class. Disraeli favored a strong foreign policy, which made people proud to be part of Great Britain. Also Disraeli understood that protectionism was out date policy, as he change his views on Corn Laws( which raise the price of beard) free trade would made bread a lot cheaper for public. However, in America today Free Trade has become a dirty word, for both the Left and Right want protectionism, promising the public jobs will come back to America that have lost to oversea economics, but truth is those jobs aren't coming back and high tariff won't lead to more jobs, just higher prices and less choice for consumer.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Trump's tough times.

Trump's tough times is taken from Wall Street Journal on 1/4/2016.
In the summer of 1990: Trump finds himself deep in debt amid a national recession and a casino-market glut.
August 1990: Agrees with a group of lenders to restructure $21 to loans.
Fall: Struggles to pay interest on Tai Mahal casino in Atlantic City, N.J negotiates with bondholders.
July 1991: Places Tai Mahal under bankrupty protection.
1991: Sells personal Boeing 727 and Trump Princess yacht.
March 1992 Places two more casinos, Trump Plaza and Trump Castle, in bankruptcy
1993: Uses part of proceeds of a Trump  Plaza notes sale to repay new York debt.
1993: Sues co-owner of Grand Hyatt hotel, the Pritzker family.
1994: Sells 70% of a large West Side Manhattan tract to Hong Kong investors.
1995: Feuds with Citibank over potential sale of the Plaza hotel.
1995: Sells Plaza to buyers picked by Citibank.
1995: Takes Trump Plaza casino public.
1995: Makes deal with lenders to erase the last of his personal debt.
1996: Sells rest of his casino to his public casino company.
1996: Settles suit with Pritzkers sells them his half of Grand Hyatt hotel in New York.
1996: Cuts deal with banks to end global debt restructuring pact.

Friday, March 18, 2016

quotes for Governor Christie.

I have two quotes for Governor Christie: one is from great British  statesman Edmund Burke who said," Every politican ought to sacrifices to the graces; and join compliance with reason." the second has been used twice, the first time by Oliver Cromwell addressing the Rump Parliament on 4/20/1653, the second time it was used by L.S Amery, from the back benches of Neville Chamberlain government, House of Commons on 5/7/1940 and this is what was said," You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God go!"

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What happen in 1968 when lame duck President had a Justice resign.

Earl Warren resigned as Chief Justice of the U.S on 6/26/1968 because he did not want Richard Nixon to pick the next Chief Justice. Which was kind strange, since Nixon and Warren were political allies of sorts in California and friends( that is if Richard Nixon had any friends).
In fact on 2/13/1956 Richard Nixon called the Supreme Court decision on school desegregation an great accomplishment for Eisenhower administration- He made this claim because the decision had been delivered by "a great Republican Chief Justice, Earl Warren."
Both  Abe Fortas and Thornberry withdrawn there names because couldn't be conformed.     
Abe Fortas, who Johnson pick to replace Warren, was brilliant Lawyer no question, indeed, he was council for Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) which established a right to council to everybody change with felony. Fortas was hated by the right because he often defended underdogs in society, however, he did have ethical problems, a story on Life Magazine   appeared by Fortas had taken $20,000 a year for life from Louis Wolfson, who was under investigation. This not only lead to Fortas withdrawning from Chief Justice position but resigning from court it's self, he had been an associate justice.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Is Trump's buddy Putin finish?

Is Trump's buddy Putin finish? I say this because he has withdrawn from Syria. It's my understand that oil is main source  of revenue for Russian,however to make money the price of oil has be $100 a barrow  it's about today like $30. Also a few weeks in the Wall Street Journal it shown cars sale, everybody is worry about China however cars were only down 1 or 2 percent in China, but Russian it was down 10 percent this is sign of economy in real trouble. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Got a letter to the editor, published in the New York Post on 3/8/2016 on Nancy Reagan R.I.P

Got a letter to the editor, published in New York Post on 3/8/2016 on Nancy Reagan.
This is what appear in the paper:" The death of Nancy Reagan is the end of an era.
This country used to believe in itself and didn't look for scapegoats to blame for the nation's ills.
Her husband raised the conservative movement from the dead. Now it's being put to sleep by the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
The Reagans weren't haters- they made conservatism likeable. But in this political season of discontent, the right has become ugly." 

Got a Letter to the Editor,published on 3/8/2016 in the Record about Romney's speech.

Got a letter to editor, published on 3/8/2016 in the Record (the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) about Romney's speech.
This is what appeared in the newspaper:" If John F. Kennedy were around today to write his book," Profiles in Courage," Mitt Romney on the strength of his speech last week in Utah would deserve a chapter.
For Romney gave a clarion call for sanity in this rather insane political year for Republicans.
Oh, yes some on the right denounce Romney, but Romney is trying to save Republicans from themselves. What is ironic is that the right-wing echo chamber is doing what the left would love to do: destroy conservatism.
You can see that Donald Trump isn't in the mold of Ronald Reagan. He is in the mold of former radio commentator Father Charles Coughlin and former Louisiana politician Huey Long, both of whom appealed to the worst in people. Demigods like Trump can rise quickly, but it doesn't last, and when they fall, not only do they go they go down, but so do their followers."

Monday, March 7, 2016

When Character counted.

Columnist Peggy Noonan once wrote a book called," When Character was King" it was about one of our great President Ronald Reagan.
Character is no longer king in politics anyway, no being a court jester like Donald Trump make king in politics today. You see,unless you are blind, being a character doesn't give you character.
And lack of character can not escape Chris Christie, for once the raising star of the Republican Party has become a nova, that has not only fallen to earth but has gone into the gutter by endorsing the ultimate gutter snipe Donald Trump.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Former President of Brazil Lula has question by the police at his home.

Former President of Brazil Lula has been question by the police at his home over corruption investigation where he is target I think.Present President Dilma Rousseff, who was Lula chief of staff and very close so this scandal could morph into the remover of Rousseff as President. Now Olympian few month maybe they should bring Mitt Romney to save the day, as he did with Utah Olympian, but maybe he should the day for us Republicans from Donald Trump,his great speech in Utah was a begin and if Trump is republican nominate it just maybe the end the Republican Party and Conservatism.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Where does the term Social Justice come from?

Where does the term Social Justice come from? Well, it might surprise some, because it's mostly used by Al Sharpton and the Black lives matter movement, however, it originate Father Coughlin, a neo-Nazi,who a very popular radio show in the 1930's.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Is Donald Trump the new Joe Kennedy?

Is Donald Trump the new Joe Kennedy? For they have many things in common:both are rich, both are bullies, both are neo-Nazi of a sort, both wanted to be President, put men are business who bit sharp come close to breaking the law.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Campbell Soup is going though the roof and there maybe life left in Freeport-McMoran.

So far a good in stock market, I notice Campbell Soup over $60 it wasn't that long ago Campbell was struck in 40's and this has happen mostly in down market. Why? I think a food company is defensive play and takeover candidate- great brand name and company I think is still own by family that founded it and generation past often there want to cash out.
Freeport-McMoRan which has been dropping like rock has in last few days seem to be a rebound.The stock was in 20's but drop under 5 dollars but it's gone up to 7.Maybe sign it's on the mend. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why is Kellogg stock going though roof today as market takes another hit.

Again the Stock Market is all down today, yet Kellogg stock is up $3  up 4% why? Defense play no doubt, but maybe a takeover target too!
Price of Gold up $40.00 maybe fear is driving that price.
A scorecard for Hedge gives Pershing Square(Bill Ackman's hedge0 for poor grade, last year got high grade also poor player Greenlight Capital changes a lot in when thing bad and I remember Daid Einhorn shorting Green Mountain Coffee at saying it's days numbered.He did that when it was aound $20 went up over $100 dollars last I look it was around $80.
Whatever happen to peak oil?

Friday, February 5, 2016

U.s Jobs report today mostly good news but some disappoining

Jobs report only 151,000 jobs created that was disappointing ,however, the unemployment rate drop below 5%, the time that happen was in 1/2008,of course 8 months later we had the financial meltdown, also wages were 2% and the percent of population working went up.

Monsanto had good day yesterday.

Donald Trump is a crybaby. Go Rublio!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

McGraw- Hill stock up today by 6 dollars, L Brand down by six dollars.

McGraw-Hill stock today up by six dollars, maybe because they are changing name S&P Global Until recent Terry McGraw was C.E.O Chairman but retired few years ago, but still the family control most stock maybe not.
L Brand (Victoria Secret) drop 6 dollars in stock price despite a rosy picture for future profits.

Productive drops, labor cost raise a bad omen for economoy? Kohl's stock take a plunge.

Productive rate in last quarter falls 3% and labor cost raise more then 4%, which mean people aren't producting, you say there not working so hard and yet getting to be paid more and sooner or later, companies will start losing money,hence, less wealth, less jobs less prosperity.
Maybe that's why Kohl's stock drop like rock today, last I look down more then 9 dollars with very heavy volume avg. volume is about 4 million share, last I look and day isn't finish volume was over 189 million share. Also Nordstrom is down about 3 dollars a few month ago the stock went down 10 dollars in day but has gain some of lost back.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What happen to oil prices and dollar moving in tandem.

For long time people said the dollar and oil prices move in tandem. But it's not so lately. Also, Dodd-Frank maybe causing the stock market to go down because it leads it lack of liquidate, and in way,hurting economy by having banks have huge reserves, so bank buy treasury instead of lending out money, but is silver linning in Dodd-Frank because banks have huge reserves the likely hood of of financial meltdown is far less.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Campbell soup, Mondelez International, Kellogg takeover candidates?

Are Campbell( who's stock has moved up nicely today) Mondelez International (who stock has also moved today,not much as Cambell but very good move) and Kellogg takeover candidates? I think so. These defence play in this uncerntain market have hidden value.

Macy's boss says sales are down because people are buying cars.

Macy's boss says sales are down because people are buying cars. Now strong Auto sale should be sign of economy on rebound, however, maybe people are buying cars because of need- the avg. of age of American is 11 year, far cry from Father's day when he would buy car every three years.
We are always told, that lower price of oil is tax cut and people will spend but veracity of money is slow. Why? By the way, I just bought some Macy's stock which I think is cheap, also like oil companies that will stay in business.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Got a letter published in the NY Daily News today(1/17/16) on Ny Legislature should be full time

Errol Lewis (who is a columnist for the Daily News) is right: The people of New York pay too much money for a legislature of dubious value. Instead of letting fools in Albany  bleed taxpayers dry, keep the Legislature part-time so they have less time to steal the people blind , and impose term limits.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

When Germany shows more compassion then U.S something is a miss.

The disgraceful action of many Republican governors( I am Republican, indeed, I ran for council in Fort Lee,NJ twice as a Republican) and Presidential candidates dealing the Syrian refuges contrast with the compassion   of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, indeed, she is putting many of us Americans to shame.
I think Merkel motivated by her Christianity, after all, her father was a Lutheran Minster. But so Christians in my country forget the Christianity and such by voices of evil like Rush Limbaugh and voices of darkness on Right-wing talk radio. And am a man of Right but those with bigotry disguise me.   

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stocks I think can do well!

I think Duke Energy, ATT, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart as stocks I think can do well this year. Now do own all stocks mention except for Wal-Mart.I notice these four stock have been bucking trend of market that has been dropping like a rock, except for today with price of oil for once going up the market is up today and do think at the end of year thepric of oil will be around $60. It's my understanding that Saudi Arabia is driving down price of oil with it's production, for there can money at $20 and hurt Iran, Russia but might lead to war with Saudi Arabia and Iran which cut supply hence drive up the price.
ATT and Duke Energy have very good yields on the dividends and think there safe.Microsoft for years did nothing but under new leadership life has return. Bad times maybe good time for Wal-Mart people looking to pay for more.  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Why is Wal-Mart and J.C Penney bucking the trend on Wall Street?

As stock market goes down a rat hole, maybe because of China, or Mid-East troubles, or interest rate going up, or oil prices going down somehow Wal-Mart, which many say is bellweather for U.S economy, is now one few dow stock going up.And the retailer many considerate dead J.C Penney seem found new life. Also Auto sales are at records.Gold for once is going up maybe replacing the dollars and U.S Treasuries as safe haven. But like high paying dividend stock like Exxon.