Monday, December 31, 2012

Jerome L. Wilson

It's bloody cold in the apartment,indeed,I'm wearing my winter coat.I wonder if this sign of thing to come,will 2013 be a cold year? Next March I be sixty,an age one starts thinking of death,henceforth,one thinks back on one's life.I thought today of Jerome L. Wilson.Who was he? And why does come to mind. I remember him as commentator for WCBS on politics,he had been Assemblyman in New York but his seat was lost to redistricting,so ran for Congress,John Lindsey old seat Lindsey of course,had been elected mayor in 1965.Wilson lost to Theodore Kupferman.Wilson then went on T.V WCBS very cordial relation with Jim Jensen the anchor.Year later I had correspondence with Jim Jensen,who thought I could be writer.What a joke damn word no sense grammar and damn spelling I know word put can't put them writer the letters dance in head and spit out unintellectual and damn prepositions words but and the I miss them there often left of my writing god damn dyslexia cures no man should ever have.
I remember two things about him on T.V:one was I think in 1973 he had broad with little pieces like button almost of potential mayoralty candidate and put Mario Como,who was just about unknown at the time button up there,almost as after thought saying he just look good.Of course, Cuomo had been involve as meditated dealing with open housing in Forest Hills,it was sticky situation because it pitted liberals and black against Jews.Second time was when Wilson left WCBS,I think was in Teaneck,New Jersey and come on counter a WCBS editorial.He was opposed to nationalizing welfare,which time was big issue liberal,have nation pay liberal generous welfare,hence,saving money for liberal but Wilson was against it which surprise me for he was a big liberal.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

In search of F.Trubee Davison

A Dec. day cold in beginning a hint of snow. Before snow come,I went to bank deposit a dividend check,a special,from Limited the owner of Victoria Secret.When deposit the check the teller,an old man not a regular teller at the bank(Bank of American branch in Fort Lee New Jersey) he really looked over like it was fraudulent,even put toward light with head underneath looking for something and took a while for him deposit-didn't like being treated like suspect it's happen too often in my life.What heck is wrong,I'm very mild nice person and yet often treated wrongly,I know I have dyslexia,hence,I do things different and society often treat me like outcast.There so much crap I sorry say people get information so often that wrong yet society reward them and kicks me in the teeth.
After the bank,went the House of pancakes the breakfast when back the apartment.But got bug to find out more about F.Trubee Davison and see about William (Wild Man) Donovan who for government of New York in 1932 and his running mate was F.Trubee Davison,who also worked in C.I.A and of course Donovan's O.S.S was forerunner of the C.I.A so went to Library in Fort Lee but it was closed because of the snow.

Friday, December 28, 2012

32 years ago I lost my best friend,my dog Duchess

On 12/28/80 a dear friend,indeed,my best friend past from this earth.Duchess my wonderful dog,how I miss her,her smile,her clever way the love she bought me.I was only child,indeed,lonely child she brought such in life into my life.
At time I left home lived Houston with my cousin Larry,not much of man limited in brains and character.Anyway,mother call me the conversion went on them she broke into crying she said she had put Duchess to sleep.That was soft side she grow attract to Duchess never would thought it in becoming I don't think she like dogs but grow love Duchess.Of course,Duchess was very lovable she did believe if it was good enough for people it was good enough her.She would like sleep in my bed,a high riser,and she when I was away in collage.Like to put her head on pillow.
I miss,I do have ashes,maybe if I'm buried,not body taken apart by medical people,or buried in common grave,I like ashes to put in grave.
I loved that dog so much,I miss her not mother,not grandfather but Duchess is one I like see again.
Fate is cruel our life vanish with time just all us are forgotten how Shakespeare put it Macbeth:To-morrow and To-morrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day.To the last syllable of record time;
And all yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death.Out,out brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow,a poor player,And then is heard no more;it is tale  Told by idiot ,full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing.   

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Beyond fiscal cliff much economic problem await the country

Much about fiscal cliff but nation faces two headaches that lead recession:one, a Longshoreman strike closing all the Eastern ports,the second one is Mississippi River water level is dropping,hence,badges won't be able travel up and down river.Mississippi River is like highway so produces go and down for example products down river are Coal,Soybeans,Wheat and corn:up the river are products like fertilizer,Rubber,Gasoline and Crude oil.Now water from Missouri River could be flow into Mississippi River that would solve problem,however, the Army Corp of Engineers doesn't want to do that because the Missouri River is used for drinking water.

I fear right-wing talk radio will kill the conservative movement:these selfish bastards like Limbaugh Hannity and Levin care only about ratings not help Republicans win election. Look in a radio market,if get 5 percent people listening to you you will make nice living,however, 5 percent ain't going win you any election.But appeal crazy and saying stupid things rating goes but election wins for Right goes down.And selfish bastards attack Republicans somethings more Democrats hence people for no reason except ratings.It's myth that establishment Republicans are liberal or moderate no they are very conservative but this doesn't satisfy the crazies. Speaker Boehner give them escape hatch but caucus was stupid it shot down just raising tax rates millionaires and shown the public what phonies Democrats are but stupid egg by these talk believe strategy that work is charge Light Brigade
that lead death of many brave soldiers for nothing,wrong sometimes the best strategy is avoiding conflict George Washington win our revolution because understood you don't opponent unless you can win.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The day after Christmas,a Northeaster is here started to snow around 3 P.M.The Snow is beautiful to watch fall and looking out window now dark it's like postcard.
For some reason,I think because I'm getting and life has wasted largely because school and mother.One horrible I had as teacher was Mrs. Klein,she hated me,mother said she hated Jews and boy but remember now it must been when John Glenn went up space 1962.She asked why would go to space? A girl name Helen,very timidly said for Defence and Klein rip into her how stupid going sent one in space and that make safe and she reality ridicule the girl very cruel manner and of course Helen was girl and don't think she Jewish,as remember she big girl with light somehow I think she was Germany but not Jewish.
Of course,I remember Klein ridicule me in cruel manner,we shown a film about a satellite that make possible speed up communication and wrote paper on film,of course,I dyslexia so I misspelled world and wrote would and Klein read my paper,to humiliate front class,and said Gary Schwartz wrote people from one side of would can speak other people and said or tried to say I meant world but went deaf ears and Klein didn't she hated me. 
It was 4-3 out 4 classes in fourth grade she put in class 5-5 of five the dumbest of classes and kids dumb and so unaware of the world.I remember when Kennedy was assassinated in sad November day the teacher,unlike Klein a good teacher) left room mention the President was shoot,the kids left alone I knew this was serious stuff bad for nation but kid thought it was joke I remember an Hispanic kid name wearing big glasses saying President was playing Cowboys Indians some stupid was he this is what had deal with a child.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Edgar Nelson Rhodes

It's deep and cold December night,as song goes,but to liberty this afternoon and look up Edgar Nelson Rhodes.Many years ago mother brought a picture of Edgar Nelson Rhodes,on back picture is note dated 2/10/1973 stating this picture is hanging in House of Commons(Canada) it goes on say Dad was speaker 1917-1921 and house of Parliament was rebuilt after fire and was Deputy Speaker at time(night) of fire.I can make signature to me it look like ludlnles(doesn't make sense) above the note is a sticker saying Frank Jarman Reg'd then address 1622 Carling  Ottawa Ont and above in writing ink 11469-A circle about in ink.
Around 2002 or 03 I try looked up Edgar Nelson Rhodes find nothing told mother and she was disappoint which hate doing.Break her heart I didn't want a car.She could be very nasty but a very soft spots at times even though she mean and vindictive to point being crazy,sometime I felt she needed enemy somebody to hate,but there was a sweetness about at times.Anyway I find on Wikipedia stuff about Edgar Nelson Rhodes(mom's now dead) who,indeed, was speaker of Canadian House of Commons from 1917-21 also member of Cabinet quite politics to become President of British-Nickel Company which went bust in 1925 went back to politics and become Premier of Nova Scotia.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The last or next to last Broadway show I saw with mother.

A rain y day,cold night still raining.Was watching T.V and movie was Light in the Piazza.It reminded me,I saw the play with at Vivian Beaumont Theatre at Lincoln Center in the fall 2005.Afterward or before we had something to eat at Barnes Noble across the way mother mention she hadn't well and of course a few month later it was apparent she was dying.I like the play it wasn't great but entertaining.
Mother realize on trip I wasn't fool but when she was near death about 2 and half to three years later she turn inward to nature self becoming nasty to me,maybe she angry I wasn't there but the family Mini and Al make me feel unwelcome.Al didn't want me there at all Mini is not bright and self-center she was like mother except worst you couldn't deal with her.
Anyway listening on radio to English composers of Tudor era,Christmas music from Thomas Tallis,William Byrd so beautiful real soul music.
Yesterday the horror of Conn. the killing innocent children dominates one's thoughts,but life does on why such evil in world is beyond me.I guess some people are tricking time bombs ready go off but why?

Friday, December 14, 2012

A sad day in Conn.

The killing goes on and  on,madness simply madness in Conn.Were is God? Does he exist? How can he let this happen.18 children die,kill by mad man for what end? I'm tried all this insanity evil rears it's ugly and we all helpless.Soon my days will next march I will be sixty maybe ten more ten good years left.America is not same place as when I was boy it's becoming to look like third world country.No longer Protestant no WASP has lost his dominion we aren't country decency anymore the cool is gone peaceful of American doesn't exist anymore.American was great country the land free and home of brave but no more the Left,the tool of old Soviet Union,over time entry dominate our politics and was death Nell for America.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The hot girl and stupid media plus Rush Hannity and friend hurt the Rightt

After some warm weather,back to Dec, weather the cold coming when getting mail saw girl hot girl with dye blond hair flaming red lipstick,a little woman maybe 5 ft very sexy.Open the outside door for her to let her in at mailbox she stated it was getting cold outside.
Listened to Shaw Hannity ,on radio like Limbaugh full of crap hurting the conservative movement Republican Party.There don't look at elections it's same line with those guys they lead the conservative nowhere.Sometimes I think there are more interested lining there pockets then getting conservative elected.These radio talk shows host from some exception ,like Michael Medved,are cancer to Right.You I wrote to the apple(radio of Salem communications in New York market) pointed the promo stated this was most contention presidential election in America was insult to there audience.I mean,I think election 1860 was bit more contention;after all,it lead to Civil War.Why are people media both Left and Right so stupid and poorly inform.One thing I know schools don't reward knowledge they reward of way thinking not what you know. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dark Side of the Moon and old friends from Shepherd Collage

Was listening to radio heard Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd.It reminded me of Shepherd Collage back in 1976 or 1977 when they planning get away sort Dark side of the moon adventure a lost weekend in sense.In student government Dave with sun glass was pushing the idea I was skeptical.I like Pink Floyd song about Education," teacher we don't need your education" I think it was the wall.
Shepherd College because of Internet two of my friend of have contracted: Ron Miller,who now is State Senator in West Virginia,he also Baptist minster(when he was in collage he said he wanted to be a minster and go seminary and he did-amazing for my experience few accomplish they dream,there ambitions when youth Miller did hats off to him)he also farmer,now when I knew his father owned John Deer dealership,indeed,after leaving Shepherd Miller work for father while,indeed,I will never it was 1978 spring Miller come from Greenbrier County he was a business suit,very unlike the Miller I knew) he ask if had eaten I hadn't Miller brought me lunch at Betty's,a restaurant it hamburger,Miller also has small business he set up places in county fairs and like and serves Italian,Italian food Miller I mean they ain't more WASP then.
My other friend was Richard Donovan,who while was chief financial office for West Virgina Office of Higher Education.They now have taken that position away Donovan my guess I mistake.Richard and Nick Taylor are so bright and yet there position in life can't match there ability,talent and brains.There are so many dummies in high position it just makes you wonder.

Friday, December 7, 2012

My father(may rest in peace) was station at Pearl Harbor in 12/7/41

My father(may rest in peace) was station at Pearl Harbor in 12/7/1941 fortunately for me anyway(for I was born on 3/17/1953) he was liberty at that time,he actually was at the Polo Grounds watching a football the New York Giants I don't know who they were playing.Dad would serve in Pacific theater  I think he was discharged in 1946 maybe 1945 I don't know i wasn't there.I never had much of relation with him anyway.My up bring was a mess I don't want to go into now but my life was decided and destroy by my family.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ed Asher and foolly use as spokeman against bigtry in Houston many years ago

Spring has turned back to winter,it's cold in the apartment.Outside I think it's about forty maybe high thirty degrees,but mades feel much colder.It's around 5:36 P.M dark cold night one hears wind howling,little heat in apartment.
Listen to Michael Medved(not spell right I think) radio show play that stupid and kind sick ad from teachers union in California and Ed Asher did narration.Asher is sick man,he hates American even though his done so well here something wrong with him.
I remember living in Houston from 11/80 to 5/1983.And Ed Asher did P.S.A from Jewish origination
I think it was B'nai B'rith(which my mother got awarding hanging now in my bedroom I had look it up to  spell it don't organization like B'nai B'rith you lose you identity as person,your not individual but member group it's like mob beside I wasn't a little Jew genius,I did very badly in school never had good job and looked around and many Jews who did well in school and had good position in life many not all I thought weren't much,they weren't very bright or gifted so don't like them)anyway call called the local B'nai B'rith office in Houston to complain about using Ed Asher in Ad.How stupid Houston,at that time and think still is a very politically conservative town and use a Communist to promote your goals.I spoke to nice lady and told how unwise it was to use Ed Asher and went told you use somebody Bob Hope non-Jewish,non-political a person that avg America loved.But I got feeling to went through one ear and out the other.These people didn't get it! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Robert Torricelli a lost soul.

Very nice day spring like mail the stock certificate for Sara Lee,months late,post office busy.
Went to liberty spoke to Nick Taylor.Nick is smart well read man who if lived in society that make sense would done much bettor in life.Mention David McCullough book Truman and then I Mike Hill,who saw interview by Brian Lamb,on C-Span question and answer on last Sunday Night.I mention Hill worked for Robert Torricelli,when he was Congressman in early eighties.I said,I think there must meet when both worked for V-P Mondale.Torricelli was chief counsel,he was all but twenty-five to be chief counsel for V-P.But now his gone see him in Fort Lee from time to time,he has client in medical field(I think dealing with Medicare in Puerto Rico.why company that does business in Puerto Rice has office in New Jersey beats me.but it's my understanding Torricelli get 10,000 dollar a month from them and that few years ago maybe now he gets more,but his not happy ,indeed,he looks like lost soul.I bet he missed politics.     

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ecclesiastes and Donovan

The mouse that roared.Saw mouse in the house yesterday was very upset.It was also cold yesterday and apartment was warm,for once,usually the landlord is very cheap.But watching football game I saw small mouse,it wasn't big but I scream.Today tired didn't sleep well last night.Little bored life is going by.Saw mailman today said it's getting cold well I said it's winter but soon spring then summer life goes on and the Bible book of Ecclesiastes says"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
Back in Shepperd Collage old Donovan(Richard Donovan) read Ecclesiastes to me.Donovan was wise old bird,a country fellow Irish from South West Virginia rye sense of humor.A few after not having contact with for at least 30 years I got he work at WV Office of higher education e-mail and we some contact although I get feeling I am somebody in his past and life as move on like old words from Ecclesiastes,A time to get,and a time to lose;to keep,and a time to cast away.
Time goes on we do not and in time past life is empty shell the writer once said you can never go home again,well you can't back to youth to past days for life passes you by

Monday, October 29, 2012


Today a bad day Hurricane Sandy has hit,indeed,I heard the howling wind and it is cold in the apt.
Everything is closed ever the subway in New York City,the Stock Market,banks everything is closed.
I once spoke to mother about the New England Hurricanes 1938.All remember was walking home from school(what different world we live in today)schools are closed today,usually her father would pick her up after school,but day something came up and she and girlfriend had walk home.The wind was so strong they sort of hook arms together walking she make home safe and sound.

Monday, October 8, 2012


The other day,at the A&P in Fort Lee,I saw Asian with t-shirt with Ho-Ho-Kus on it which is small town maybe few thousand people at most,strange an Asian kid would have t-shirt since I think Ho-Ho-Kus is very much a WASP enclave,or was at one time.A place where integration meant Methodist going to Lutheran Church and biggest minority group would be Democrats.
I have never been in Ho-Ho Kus nor is it likely I shall ever go to Ho-Ho-Kus.But know two men that live there,I know at very different stages of my life.One know at high school the other when as telemarketer with PCF,selling subscriptions for New York Times.
Scott Lill,boy did he seem out place at Baldwin School High School.I mean,it was school for freaks and rejects Scott seems so normal,indeed,sort the All-American boy,never seem him play sport but look athletic,good looking a dark light complexion,very pleasant demeanor quite didn't seem to have any friends at Baldwin.I think he mostly hang in Jersey land.I only remember a few things about him;I remember when I think he try to hit on Marilyn Seagall.Can't say I blame I also had hots for Marilyn,maybe Scott was like me too shy,not sure how to approach,unsure of footing.Marilyn too didn't seem to fit in Baldwin High School,for was pretty,beautiful light color hair,blue eyes,a very pretty face back then more then 40 years ago,if she's still alive I would hate see what to her attractive fair skin complexion for she was sun worshiper,she was also very stylish,a Manhattan girl.Scott I think was county boy even-though Ho-Ho-Kus isn't far from New York City in many way it must been a world apart especially in those days. Scott would try start conversation with I remember one time he said something about Mayor Lindsay's twin brother live in Ho-Ho-Kus somehow I don't think that true just way to break the ice with a pretty girl.Ah yes fantasies of youth chasing pretty girls but never getting very far.
I remember Davidson Collage made a long way the NCAA basketball champion either 1969 or 1970 maybe both a Doug Cook was big star a forward who came from Ho-Ho-Kus Scott sort let be know he know him,although didn't seem to have much interest basketball,indeed,Scott didn't seem to have much interest in any thing.I remember running into a guy who Scott and Baldwin High School and he said Scott was big waste product it was so fitting at Baldwin we all waste products myself included,maybe the worst offender of them all.One time Baldwin School instead of typical class we pick something we do outside of school for credit.I said, I do something pollution well I had no idea what to do,I needed direction and this worst thing for me,I did nothing poor Mr.Matthew, older teacher,
who let go my own way,I lied to him said working product I wasn't and when colleagues started given him hard and ask me how it was going I said fine I didn't do damn thing.Scott I think said he work tug boat,maybe a family,his family must of had money to send him Baldwin wasn't cheap and Ridgewood High was your white rural-suburbia high school it was probably pretty good a better experience then Baldwin-what was parents thinking of?
Alan Howell who's the other person from Ho-Ho-Kus I knew.He died on 7/7/07 the last time saw of think was 2004 at Bicycle Club,a restaurant in Fort Lee after I leave PCF in 1997 I would lunch with Alan at Bicycle maybe three or four times a year and twice i would meet him alone with Bill Wolf,Dwight and sometimes Joe Clark at TGI Friday's,near Hackensack,off the route 4 exist I in edge River.
Alan was one most interesting people I ever know,very intelligent.I meet him when worked with PCF selling subscription for New York Times.Alan at point was retired.He fought in World War Two,I think part of the New Jersey National Guard,I think he was a Colonel.After the war,while still in military he went up Scotland to play golf at St.Andrews.He him and buddies(American G.I s)paid the caddy a dollar each after woods the chief supt. come over and said to him you hit the lads kind of hard. 
Alan graduated from Cornell in 1950,a BA went to work as  High School teacher,but money wasn't enough so became a realtor,did very well until last two years when he was sued 8 times before that never sued.He's marriage of many years wind up in divorce,lived with a woman afterwards.He was liberal republican,had many discussion of politics with him he knew who Walter Jones was,political boss of Bergen County,county chairman of G.O.P State Senator,ran for governor in 1961 come last third in G.O.P primary.
I miss Alan a wise man wonderfull to talk to,I think he lived full life I think he had four children but was very much on his own a real american.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The dream that haunts my soul

Last night,I had dream-it was about my signing I think to go to collage and women at the desk said you don't have plans to go to collage and I answered, something like weighting options and them I said,I know you think I'm stupid .
The funny thing is woman look like English teacher I had at Shepherd Collage all those many years ago, and remember incident dealing with her,I was signing up for courses and when to table dealing with English Dept. and she said,to me Mr.Schwartz did past English 101(basic grammar) and male professor step and said he did fine in my English Literature course. I must taken English 101 at least three times maybe four before passed it the Literate course I did well.The problem with the grammar was first dyslexia and Baldwin High School never taught,as far as remember no such emphasis in public school and mother was also quite useless yet school was easy for her and never reality understood my problems.Yeah,she know I had dyslexia god knows went too many doctor,all a waste,and that's why went to Baldwin School both junior high and high school it did more harm then good.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9/26/12 Wednesday (Yom Kippur)

Today is Yom Kippur,the Holiness day for Jews.Of course,I'm not very good in every sense of word,but even me will try fast-afraid of God I guess.
Remembering Jewish Holidays of past,when I was young,now so many years ago 50-45 years ago in the nineteen sixty.
We dress in our Sunday best,sport jackets dress paints often uncomfortable,Jewish Holidays weather often seems hot,I remember Grandfather bragging about that and gentiles were jealous and he say it with big grim on his face.At the time,I pay no mine,but looking back it was kind stupid it wasn't good weather it was hot and uncomfortable especially when wearing heavy clothes.
We walk to the Synagogue,a long walk from Seaman Ave. crossing Broadway to area that wasn't so nice,it wasn't be kind of dreamy like past it prime many years ago.The Synagogue itself look of out place in that neighborhood,a dirty place mostly tenement apartment buildings from the nineteen thirties or twenties,Synagogue was bigger building in widen although only 3 to 4 floors and basement which one two services took place,main floor was were high roller went to service.Us kid mainly stood out side mulling around the street a few a transistor radios listening baseball usually the World Series take place that time year.

I never like Synagogue,for was place I went to Hebrew School,were I was suppose learn Hebrew for my bar mitzvah.I don't think I ever a word of Hebrew,I was very bad student,school no matter what type was never my thing.Poor Rabbi Gellar,he was patient and good man but such a bad student I,m afraid he got nowhere with me,he must have know I had problems and he like me for years later mother ran into and he asked about me,when mother said I was in college he was much relieved.
I remember one time the Hebrew class went a ballpark of sorts,in park,by the river(Hudson) off Dyckman Street near entrances of the West Side Highway or Henry Hudson Parkway.We played softball and Gellar called me Mickey Mantle believe me I was no Mickey Mantle but once in life I felt good-I shall never forgot it.

I remember one Yom Kippur,not really friend but somebody I know named Howey  and his father who much older then our parents were going walk to Yonkers .Howey was much different than us kids,I think he older or maybe just seem that way,he already wore a leather brown color with flees line inside,he lived in same build as one good friends Mark Jacobs.Anyway a bunch of us walk to Yonkers that day-up Broadway on King's bridge under the L line(elevator subway trains after Dyckman Street station #1 IRT) passed Van Cortlandt Park to Yonkers and back.It must been either the early sixties or mid-sixties years.

Friday, August 10, 2012

It's Aug name for Augustus the Caesar who bring peace to Rome rule wisely,but why such hot month name for him? I remeber Aug. as young boy,most time spend in summer camp.I think in 1962 and 1963 Qucker Ridge a camp wied you know it was fun children being taught to be genius oh the thory of Jew genius which ruin my life.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Your don't say

Yesterday,as i was entering the front library,on front bench two young Asia girls,maybe 13 or 14,yes you don't say.The only person I ever heard say that was my grandfather,one of his favite expression.
Watch the Yankee Red Soxs game-what a game! Yankees down 9 to 0 yet pull out win 15 to 9.How about that as Mel Allen would say.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

NPR interview with director of Best Man wrong on history

Heard today on NPR an interview with,I think,the director on show that was movie in nineteen sixties,written Gore Vidal called Best Man,very good movie,Any the directer said,Vidal want to promoted JFK and character Russell,an Left-wing intellectual was JFK and he populist conservative was LBJ.But this is not true first of all,Vidal didn't think much of JFK,indeed,he thought is was charming lightweight,second the Russell character was base on Adlai Stevenson the conservative populist,my guess was RFK,but some believe it was JFK others Nixon or Joe McCarthy or maybe combination.
This shows how people theatre and NPR are very bias and bad source of information unfortunately so is our schools,a place where lives are ruined.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Margaret Chase Smith

The other night listening to Hugh Hewitt show on radio,he had on Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Romney's name came up and she said how father campaigned for his mother who ran for Senate from Mich. in 1970.She went on say Lenore Romney because she was woman stated that only one women senator from Maine but didn't remember the name Hewitt went on say I think it's Helen something-WRONG!
It was Margaret Chase Smith,who's mainly know not from coming from Maine,but rather her attack on Joseph McCarthy,know as mad dog who was right but he went about it wrong.Anyway six other Republicans agree with Smith.McCarthy call Smith and her supporters as Snow White and six dwarfs.McCarthy removed Smith from intelligences committee he chaired and replace her with Richard Nixon.
Senator was on Eisenhower's short for V-P and thought shed be first woman President.Indeed.once she was asked,what would she do if one morning she found herself in the White House? Her answer was classic,she said,first apologize to Mrs.Truman and then go home.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New world

I'm old man,living in brave new world.Life has past me by,gone are old rules.I wish things come to me,but there don't.I but think what might have been.Limit here can't spell the way I like.don't poor grammer and poor spelling held me back life is unfair but that's the way it is so one must go on it's tough but there isn't much can do about it's unfairness if you let it get to you your're crazy. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Got two letters published in Newspapers yesterday

Yesterday,spring day very beautiful also two letters to the editor published in newspapers:one in the Daily News one New York Post. Going to Dentist tomorrow och!1 Don't like but lost a bit tooth.To spring weather is fine I think of baseball,gone is youth were Mickey Mantle was my hero.Time it goes by quick and it gets quicker as gets older.Soon to be a dead,gone forevermore forgotten that ever in this earth just bones and maybe dis appear all together.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

School the killer of smart people

A cold night,thinking about the past and life goes by so quick,before you know it you're old past your prime.I gotten into local politics the Republican club but I'm too damn to made a mark.Damn it i could have done great think,much smarter then most but dyslexia and bad luck made school the devil it haunted for life the dumb do well in school because there can not think for themselves.School promotes conformity people that can not think.