Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lew Wallace the author of Ben Hur.

On this Easter Sunday one thinks(which usually leads to headaches)of great books written since time in-memorial about Christianities beginnings and that time of Christ crucifixion and his resurrection and how spurred from old religion of Judaism to new faith of Christianity and how the world would never be the same forevermore.
Of course,one these great books was Ben Hur written by Lew Wallace.And of course,two great movie were made from book one starting Charlton Heston.In a way,Wallace was man for all season:Soldier,Politician and diplomatic.Strangely Wallace got idea for Ben Hur from the great Agnostic of that time Robert Green Ingersoll.He was like Christopher Hitchens of our times,but maybe more dynamic certainly he had more political punch,for Ingersoll was power in Republican Party and give one most famous nominating speech for James Blame called "plumed knight."But like Hitchens Ingersoll was full charm,eloquence and irreverent wit and people including many Christians love him for draw large audience,although it must be said,he never ran for office because of his region(or lack of) beliefs.Henry Ward Beecher said of Ingersoll he is  the most brilliant speaker of English tongue of all the men on the globe.
So you to man like Wallace Ingersoll would guilty of high treason of sorts,but they both Republicans and served in the Union Army.One day Wallace was sitting next to Ingersoll on a train and Ingersoll started challenging Wallace Christian beliefs and Wallace realize how little he knew about Christianity,hence,it inspired him to do research and spurred the idea of writing Ben Hur.
Wallace was very much of America stock,his grandfather was frontiers man from Western Pennsylvania,a tavern owner of Scots-Irish decent.Wallace father moved to Indiana were he become ally of William Henry Harrison,who become President of U.S Wallace's father himself would become Governor of Indiana.Wallace would a general in Union Army during the Civil War.He would be involve in controversial in battle of Shiloh.Later he would become Territory Governor of New Mexico during the period of Lincoln County Wars.Were much Western lore comes from Billy the Kid and all of that much legend and in a way the making of America West.Latter he severed as our minister to turkey,were his wife try improve the situation for woman.Also Wallace wrote many other books beside Ben Hur.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Brian Williams rained on my parade.

Brian Williams rained on my parade.Here I was having a very enjoyable day,watching an baseball exhibition game between the Yankees and Army.No it wasn't the civil war(although I like declare war on William not Ted but Brian the news reader)but New York Yanks playing at beautiful,historic West Point,the place where are heroes made a nation owns so much to brave young people who call of serve to the nation.But watching this wonderful game,at such a great sight ad voice demon past to grievances against,a man cruel,who portrays he's soul and is driven by dark forces.Brian Williams is not good man,he puts on this act for career he does nothing out kindness of his heart.For he is heartless cold,mean and cruel.He give BS reason he was there,his son wants to be sport journalist so goes to YES broadcast booth plays nice guy hoping to aid son,who had been intern with the radio sport station ESPN local,in New York, on Michael Kay's show.It was Michael Kay and Al Leiter broadcasting the game,Williams mention much had watch YES-what a such ass!
Williams in real life is bully,many years ago he mock me greatly for having dyslexia.I just hope someday people know what phony and creep Brian Williams is and pay the price picking person who knew could never harm,indeed,he be wrong!

Baseball season will start soon and all seems right with life.

Baseball season will start soon(on Sunday in Texas,Monday for the rest)and somehow all seems right with the world.It's like the sun also risen and things start anew,hope spring eternal.The youthful sprite within our raggedy souls lives on with baseball.For game is timeless,no time clocks,just nine innings in a diamond that hope never stops,this is why game is sport for writers.Writers like David Halberstam,best know for his book," the Brightest and Best" telling of the story of arrogance the elicit Ivy League, Kennedy men, who got us into Vietnam.But he also" wrote,Summer of 49" about the New York Yankees winning season of 1949 and start of dynasty(the New York Yankees would be the world champions from 1949 to 1953)great book,,wonderful read.Also Richard Ben Cramer wrote two baseball books one about Ted Williams another Joe DiMaggio both for what it's worth(and to me not much)men win Pulitzer Prizes but both are great writers.
The game it's self seems live on forevermore,indeed,generations come and go but game goes on even in today cynical world there is boy's enlightenment in seeing his hero,and oh yes today they are flawed,but still there magic to great accomplishments.And us older folks,who are bin long in tooth,dream our youth were we the fields glory were beckoning us to great deeds only to see these dream vanish with father time,the master of us all.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Was Pink Floyd right?

Was Pink Floyd right when he song,"We don't want no education.Teacher we don't want thought control?" Well this week two example(reported one wonders how many are unreported) of Teacher trying thought control.One Florida in collage,where a teacher made students write the name Jesus on piece of paper,then put ground stump on it,however,one man conscrious(a rare commodity in life)refused to obey teacher and was discipline,until word got out then school back track and Governor wants investigation which his roundly criticized by the media but Governor is right.
Then in Texas a school test corect answer why 9/11 it's America fault.When a parent complain the answer was change but video that went with which very slick anti-American propaganda.Now if this B.S is in Texas and Florida one can imagine it's many other states like my home state of New Jersey.
Corn production is down should good for Monsanto,a stock I like very much both short and long term.Short term because supply of corn is down the price should go up and Monsanto is tie to commodity prices.Long term because it will take companies like Monsanto to feed the world.Like as people want a better life it will take more developed land,hence,less land for Agriculture,hence,the land still used for Agriculture will have to yield more,plus as people get wealth they diets are more complex,hence,people will demand more from less land.Now environmentalists don't like companies like Monsanto because environmentalists are people who have benefit from capitalism systems they hate and don't want other people to have better standard of living,of course,they wrap themselves up in phony morality very self-righteous people.the problem is the environmentalists received an education,hence,they fall victim to thought control.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I been working on the railroad or somebody has

I been working on the railroad or somebody has for seem to be boom in long forgotten industry.Indeed,today's "Wall Street Journal" has front page story with headline,"Boom Times on the Tracks:Rail Capacity Spending Soar." It seem demand for rail freight has created demand for rail equipment.In a way,it makes sense but there is kicker,the sense is dollar and cents rail is often much cheaper then truck with greater capacity the kicker is biggest product shipped by rail is coal and of course coal is losing stream to natural gas as source for electricity.I mean coal industry,which Obama hates,is hurting;however,railroads are regional oligopolies,for example in Eastern United States there mainly only two railroads:Norfolk Southern and CSX(I stock I own and like it's only one industries that believe is shareholder friendly,pays a nice dividend and price is right,in twenties largely because recently there was 3 to 1 split.I really like business model for Kansas City Southern(although I don't believe it's shareholder friendly company)it system spines up and down the Mississippi River and goes into Mexico and believe it's railway that operates both in U.S and Mexico.Also like is USX,although these are tough times for steel industry,I like few years they bought a steel company in Texas with railroad spur that lead to Mexico.
This morning on Bloomberg T.V was money manage who controls more 2 billion in funds and he recommend Ford(I think a good company and good stock buy for long term)he said very strong possible expansion in China and India for Ford.He didn't like the energy sector thinks oil will drop in price.
J.C Penney what mess,heard an analysis said it might not survive-Ron Johnson has screw up big why hired only god knows.I mean,ran Apple stores not same customers who go Penney the board must be make up of idiots.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Will Cyprus make us all Joe DiMaggio's?

Will Cyprus make us all Joe DiMaggio's? What am I talking about? Am I saying Cyprus will make us great baseball players? Hardly,but according to Richard Ben Cramer's(who recently passed away in Jan.,of this year, and we lose of a great talent- but more on him later) book "Joe DiMaggio:The Hero's Life" in 1989 when had Bay World Series and earthquake cancel a game,one of the first to leave the stadium,with police escort was Joe DiMaggio,he rushed  home and took out Hefty Bags,big black plastic bags) full of 600,000 thousand dollar,that's cash money,I guess he didn't trust banks,kind of ironic since for many years he did commercials for Bowery Saving Bank.Today after Cyprus people might start putting cash in Hefty Bags instead of Banks.
By the way,I was familiar with Bowery Saving Bank for my grandfather open account for me at they main Branch,which was near Grand Central Station.Beautiful building,today I think it's fancy restaurant,it was old fashion bank building impressive in scope,hugh and it had cages one got feeling your money was safe,but turn out it wasn't I think it was swallowed up in Saving Loans crisis of 1980's,not sure but was brought out by other financial instruction.
Richard Ben Cramer was great writer and was sad to learn today he had just died in Jan. of this year.I first become familiar with his work with his book,"What it takes" dealing with Presidential race of 1988.Some might be impressed that he win a Pulitzer Prizes.I am not,because prizes are too often given politics,not merritt.Look Obama was President no more then month and win the Nobel Prize for Peace,while other hand,Ronald Regan win war without firing a bullet and he ignored by these fools.And of course maybe worse journalist history Walter Duranty win a Pulitzer.Duranty a reporter from New York Times,in 1930's reporting from the Soviet Union used his poison pen to serve the interested of Joseph Stalin.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Doug Ramsey says don't fight the bull market.

Doug Ramsey says don't fight the bull market.Who is Doug Ramsey? I don't know but appear on Bloomberg T.V this morning and they said he manages more then billion in asset.He sounds like technician to me,in other words,I think he saying don't go against the tape and trend is your friend.Anyway,he didn't recommended any individual stocks just sectors.The sector he like was transportation(I own and like CSX that my pick),Regional Banks,and health care,but felt drug companies had ran but might come back.He can't like the material sector,Caterpillar(which lot people like but stock seems in downward drift) and Joy Global when ask about those stock he give thumb down.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Some humor and wisdom from Calvin Coolidge.

Some anecdotes about Calvin Coolidge:The first anecdote-When President and Mrs.Coolidge were being given simultaneous but separate tours of a chicken farm,Grace(Mrs.Coolidge) asked the guide whether the rooster copulated more then once a day."Dozens of times,"she was told."Tell that to the president,"she said. When told,Coolidge asked,"Same hen every time" When the guide said," a different one each time," the president said:Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."
The second anecdote:When President Coolidge was told he meet the Chicago Bears he said,"oh good I like animal acts."
Third anecdote: At dinner a woman sit next to Coolidge and say to him,"oh Mr.President,I bet my friend I could make you say more then two words." Coolidge replied,"You lose."
One of the great speeches,in American History was given by Calvin Coolidge.It was given on 1/17/1924 to the American Society of Newspaper Editors and this is what Coolidge said:"It is only those who do not understand our people who believe that our national life is entirely absorbed by material motives.We make no concealment of the fact that we want wealth,but there are many other things that we want very much more.We want peace with honor,and charity which is so strong an element of all civilization.The chief ideal of the American people is idealism.I cannot repeat too often that America is a nation of idealists."   

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a liberal?

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a liberal? What! I see the sophisticated simpletons,the Left-wing conformist going nuts McCarthy a liberal? What are you nuts? Well,his record isn't what most people are lead to believe.The truth(which is hard commodity to find)is on such issue as civil rights and women right McCarthy was a liberal.And by the way,he was very good friend of the Kennedy family,indeed,one can argue that if it wasn't McCarthy John F.Kennedy(JFK) would have never been President.How so? Back in 1952 when Congressman Kennedy was running for Senate from Mass. his opponent was popular  Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. The national Republican committee had ask McCarthy to campaign for Lodge.He refused,if he had Lodge would win because McCarthy was very popular with Irish of South Boston.Also Robert Kennedy worked on McCarthy staff and even when McCarthy was totally disguise and destroy Robert Kennedy was loyal to him.When Robert Kennedy was Senator from New York in 1965,he him in celebrity tennis tournament for charity.One people he play with was Paul Newman,a big Kennedy supporter. Newman said,McCarthy that S.O.B but Kennedy came to McCarthy even though McCarthy had been disgraced and die for 8 years.Also JFK in 1954 didn't vote censor McCarthy,indeed,JKF was missing action he didn't vote at all,didn't take a position.
Also while McCarthy didn't campaign for Lodge he did campaign for William(wild man) Langer.Wild Man Langer was very Left-wing Republican(maybe the original RINO)Senator from North Dakota.Langer was man who was a favorite of Non-Partisan League(NPL) which believe in isolationist foreign policy and that government should own the railroads and elevator gains.Langer was big on civil liberties,indeed, he support the Hollywood Ten and was accused of being Communist sympathizer,so McCarthy support on him was big.
Although,McCarthy was bully and kind of nasty,despite what many people are lead believe he spoke much truth.For there were many Soviet Spies in American government:Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White were just two highest ranking Soviet Agent in the U.S government.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Last night I saw the next President of the United States

Last night I saw the next President of United States.It was in Hackensack,New Jersey at the Republican  Bergen County headquarter.A larger then life man appear seemly from nowhere,as he spoke he raised our spirits,for he is the man that has taken us from vanquish,indeed,almost vanish party to victory.He's born natural leader,indeed,he is dynamite.He is the Governor of New Jersey and if can govern New Jersey and he has done it very well,governing America should be a piece of cake.His Name Chris Christie and he is the rising star of the G.O.P who potential for greatness is unlimited as the sky.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

With friends like Obama does Israel need enemies?

With friends like Obama does Israel need enemies? Beware Israel of lefties giving gift for soon you be threw in callum of political correctness.You see(unless you are blind) the non-Jewish Left sees Israel as apartheid South African.The Jewish community in America are mostly Left-wing conformist,they can not think for themselves some sort voodoo that clouds there minds where can not question the authority of Left-wing conformity,indeed,in much of Jewish community mindless Left-wing conformity that masques as intelligence.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

With strong G.N.P growth in Chile and upgrade of Freepot-McMo is bullish for copper.

With a strong G.N.P growth in Chile(over 5 percent for quarter and upgrade from Goldman Sachs for Freeport-McMoRan copper & Gold bows well for copper,hence,a strong sign of recovery for global economy.
The cycle paths in the E.U want to tax bank deposits in money from the big bad Russians I guess,but may backfire.Rumor has it,Gazprom might come rescue for right to oil & gas from Cyrus.The cure might worse then disease,in either case it's lose,lose for Cyrus.So much for a day in sun,the easy life of Mediterranean may not be so mellow anymore.
Yesterday,heard on Bloomberg T.V Dick Bove being very bullish on bank stock,indeed,defended,Jamie Dimon.When pistol girl(Stefanie Ruhle) mention how much Jamie Dimon lied,Bove said,"maybe we should wash his mouth out with soap" and then went on to defend Dimon for moving quickly to made right his mistakes.
Yesterday Charles Payne on Fox Business News,remanded Caterpillar,everybody's favorite stock today that in malaise's,but great company but underpricing?Maybe,but remember back 2008 it was under 30 now over 90 but it is great company and if copper is on the rise maybe Caterpillar will be too!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Is Cyprus nuts? Will taxing saving lead to economy ruin?

Is Cyrus nuts? Will taxing saving lead to economy ruin? Say's law says yes.Say's Law Say's says saving equals investment and investment is mother's milk of economy growth,so stupid is it to tax saving? Very Stupid and unfair for small saving who seek protect against uncertainties life saving is great relief,the big boys will pull there money maybe leading to ran on the bank,not wise policy.
Is this end of Russian empire? There stock market has taken a hit today,largely because many obligates have money in Cyrus but those people will get there money out quickly.
People never trust politicians you see what happening in Cyrus but news from U.K is very troubling too!
It seem,in the U.K all third major parties,have agreed on regulating the newspaper-good bye freedom of press.
Strong economy growth in Chile 5.6 increase in G.D.P
Green Mountain Coffee still about 53 it's demise was predicted below 20 in summer,is David Einhorn still shorting and recommending shorting?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why this Jewish guy celebrate St.Patrick Day?

Because it's my birthday.Yet I at a point in life where one doesn't look forward to birthdays.I'm not in Winter of life,more like fall and strange fall is favorite time of year.There is something very attractive brisk cool winds,the leafs on the trees changing colors all adds a favor to life,but signals the end is coming and that to is romantic,indeed,there something romantic about fighting against odds,fighting the lost cause this why thing people like Bonnie Prince Charles and Robert E. Lee(in my country) are often seem as heroes,the champion of underdog.
How old am I? Old enough to remember a world without blogs,the Internet,or for matter PCs.It such different world that was born into,when I grew up people had privacy,a respect for there fellow man,a moderation approach to life.
This morning I was watching on T.V the movie Finian's Rainbow and there was great line,"don't be superstitious because it lead to bad luck".

Saturday, March 16, 2013

This is no fairly tale,but once a pond time in America is Senator had a gay son he just might shoot himself.

This is no fairly tale,but once a pond time in American if Senator had gay son he might shoot himself.
Boy have times change,the consevative Senator from Buckeye State(Ohio),very much part G.O.P establishment before being Senator he had in the Bush Administration as Trade Representative and Budget Director,Rob Portman come out for same sex marriage.Why? Mainly because his son is gay.
What difference time makes,in era,a other time having gay son was disgrace.Back in 1954 Senator Lester hunt from Wyoming shoot himself in his Senate Office.Some say it was because he was in bad health,but most believe it was because his son was arrested for homosexual solicitation.It's nasty story some believe Allen Drury fictional book about the senate in nineteen fifties,"Advise and Consent" tells that story.Anyway according to Left-wing columnist Drew Person(later on Jack Anderson would be his junior partner and curious Anderson would have Brit Hume work for him,Anderson would complain that getting by-line from Person was drawing blood,Hume made same complain about Anderson)Hurt was blackmail by Senator Styles Bridges from New Hampshire(know as Senator Yankee) and Senator Herman Welker from Idaho to not ran for re-election so Republicans can pick the seat from Wyoming.
In the book "Advise and Consent" the President appoints Robert Leffingwell(played by Henry Fonda in the movie.)Leffingwell is lefty(nice play on a name,sort like Dicksons) with questionable past and soft on Soviet Union.The President is dying the Senate leader decide to have special committee to investigate Leffingwell,it's head by Senator Anderson,who is Mormon,a family man,but homosexual in counter in army,Leffingwell found this out and threaten to expose if goes against the Leffingwell nomination.Anderson commits suicide the vote goes senate floor where it's tie and everybody expect Vice-President Hudson to vote nomination but he doesn't when learns the President die,he wants he's own and wants people to he's his own man.

Friday, March 15, 2013

My letter to editor about the Right losing it's way.

Today the ides of march 3/15/13(not such good for Caesar) and this year hasn't been good for G.O.P and foolishly C-Pack,a conservative convention of sort in it's wisdom decide not to invite New Jersey Governor Christie and Virgina Governor McDonnell but invited that lying perfidious Donald Trump.
They want produce a dog and phony show well Trump but not if want to win elections.
So today I got letter to editor published in my local for Bergen County New Jersey.The paper is Record and this is what I wrote:"Ronald Reagan put a human face on conservatism and lo and behold ,the ghost of Hebert Hoover died and Republicans started winning elections.
But Donald Trump and his sycophants on right-wing talk radio now have put an ugly face on conservatism.They have played a fool's game of Russian roulette seeking always to have the"Charge of the Light Brigade" as their only strategy,one in which solders are led senseless into slaughter in the guise of glory.But what price glory if one loses the war and forevermore is irrelevant to the body politic?

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

Goldman put a buy on Freeport-McMoRan could this be sign of good times to come?

This Morning Goldman Sachs has put recommendation on Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold(Freeport-McMo) could mean good times are coming to world economy.Why? Copper! And plus if mining is rebound and this Molycorp(a rare mineral mining company)is big percent gaining this,but caution Molycorp has fallen so much,(it's about 6 it high in last year of 35 and think it had high 50 or 60),than companies like Caterpillar(a big manufacturer of mining equipment) should do well and there is much talk that Caterpillar is under valued.
Also a plus for Freeport-McMo is it pays a very safe dividend at over 3.6 yield better the bank or a government security.
And talking about bank both Citigroup and Bank of American got OK to buy back stock and Bank of American and Wells Fargo got OK to raise there dividend,not so sweet days for J.P Morgan Chase(Chase) the London Whale has expose Jamie Dimon as not such rough in Diamond,problem seem ahead for Chase and I think the stock is too high!
Green Mountain Coffee still riding high is David Einhorn losing his shirt or was he full of it?
There is new song in Vatican these days,"Don't cry for me Argentina."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tom Keene(Mr.Bowtie) is full of crap when come to Paul Ryan and Paul Krugman

Tom Keene or as I like to call him Mr.Bowtie does morning on Bloomberg T.V. He had Glenn Hubbard,a Republican economist and too nice of guy to put on spot some out wrack comment from Mr.Bowtie.For Tom Keene is either a liar or so fog that mind ceases to work,or other works he was full of crap,unfortunately in media both on Right and Left this so far too common.I mean he has strange love affair with Paul Krugman(an idiot socialist if ever was one)and dislikes Paul Ryan.Keene,the bowtie man,toot tally misrepresented they views almost to opposite of where they stand.He said Ryan proposal for budget didn't cut entitlements,but Democrats are running ads showing Ryan pushing granny off a cliff,the Mr.Bowtie add insult to injury by stating Krugman is leading change to cut entitlements.What a falsehood,Krugman doesn't want cut anything,except military in government,he want expand expand entitlements like Obama care.He wants more and more government and higher taxes and thinks that state income taxes helps the poor.Obliviously Krugman has never been poor and doesn't do his own taxes.This Keene is no journalist and should be fired and Krugman is so clueless about underclass he shut his mouth on public policy.

Best Buy a retrieve from the grave?

Best Buy lately has been a smart buy for it's stock,it lagged a short while ago at 15 now it's up to 22 and strange thing is the takeover action by the former founder fall through yet the stock has risen from the dead.
If you like lost causes today somebody put buy on J.C Penney.My opinion, as long as,Ron Johnson is running the show stay away.
Is Caterpillar under valued? Some believe yes with economy looking up what has hurt Caterpillar is a bad deals in China.
Media companies that provide content  seem to be going through the roof.Although CBS may be benefiting from making its billboard business into REIT,that stock in last year has gone through the roof,but so has Viacom and Disney and News Corp,which is going spin the money losing part it's business ,that is, newspapers(for some reason Warren Buffet seem interested in newspapers,myself I love newspapers to read but as business very questionable).
U.S ten year treasuries seem to stay at 2 percent historically very low,hence,stocks look good fix rate income like C.D's pays nothing government bond notes pay nothing and maybe bubble a head some good if corporate bonds with high yields may look good but if interest go up watch out.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Will the sun now riase in Latin American

With a Pope from Latin America one can't help think(which usually leads to headaches)perhaps this is sign of things to come.Think back to 1978,Eastern Europe seems time vacuum,for ghost a despotic
regime,lay waste to moral government and lead to the rule of few in false choir of social justice that banal believe in all powerful state void of believe individual and our souls.Indeed,Eastern Europe seems forevermore to be a prisoner of Communism.But then election of pope John Paul II and world seem to turn dime,for with in few Communism would leave Eastern Europe as a discredit form of government.
Now with a Pope from Argentina and death of Chavez perhaps this sign that sun would raise in Latin American and freedom beckon there too.Mexico seem on verge of new day,things are moving Right in Chile,Colombia and Brazil but rest is mess but new hope and death of devil perhaps liberty and freedom will come to Latin American.

Wealth lost if shorted Green Mountain Coffee but maybe gained down Mexico way

This morning Green Mountain Coffee stock is going at $54, all way up,since it was deemed dead by David Einhorn(claimed shorting it was path to gold) and media play along.That was summer,although not too long ago Einhorn insisted shorting Green Mountain was still the way to go,it was about $43 when continue that line back summer it was below $20.Now stock as gone up past 50 maybe a short squeeze,but no notice from media questions should be asked why has stock skyrocketed since summer time and it's death sentence.
Now south of the border down Mexico way,the sky seems bright  S&P might upgrade rating on Mexico government bonds.Strangely reform seems abound under,believe or not,PRI.Maybe after losing election after 50 years of unbroken rule the Party PRI understand now the times are changing in Mexico rejecting the philosophy of late unlamented Hugo Chavez and opening up the society to freedom and expanding opportunity for all.First the government is going to put to Carlos Slim phone monopoly one figure slim chance of that but it's going to happen and Pemex is going to be privatize,indeed,things are changing south of border  down Mexico way.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Better off with a pound of flesh then the British Pound Sterling

Better off with a pound of flesh then the British Pound Sterling and the same goes for Japanese Yen too.Both currencies are heading down for last grasp for drowning government is to inflate the currency hoping against hope the economy fortunes of that nation will turn around.
Also in the U.S.A gas prices are likely to up 50 cents come summer not due to increase demand but because of government rules dealing with gasline blends.

A letter to editor I got publisded about Mariana Rivera

Today 3/12/13 I got letter published in New York Post about Mariana Rivera.
This is what I wrote:There is a gloom in Gotham because the great Rivera has declared that this will be his last season in the sun.
The ray of sunshine he brought into our humdrum lives will be gone forevermore.
He will surpass such great Yankee relievers as Sparky Lyle,Luis Arroyo,Joe Page and the unforgettable Wilcy Moore.
Rivera was the greatness of them all.

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

Now who was Wilcy Moore? Well,the unforgettable Wilcy Moore has become forgettable.He only had one great year,despite being mostly a relief pitcher,which his era was looked down a pond,he was considered the best pitcher in baseball in 1927.Strangely like Rivera he had only one pitch,a mean low sinking fast ball and like Rivera he had nerves of steel-or no nerves at all.
His batting style was unique,for swing at same spot no matter were pitch was throw.Babe Ruth bet him $300 to $100 he wouldn't get more then three hits he got five and when he got home he wrote Ruth a letter."The $300 come in handy," it said."I used it to buy a fine pair of mules.I named one Babe and other one Ruth."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bond Bubble?

Bond bubble heading for trouble,in the cauldron the soup made by central banks to swim in the currency to kept the states of flow until dam brakes.The central banks are financing the debts of there nations,hence,creating money,hence keeping interest unnatural low.But sooner or later the piper
must paid,balance sheet for central bank can't expand forevermore,someday the banks will have unwind there balance cause a flood of bond selling,hence,a bubble.
I watch Bloomberg T.V morning a guest said we've already in bond bubble.He sad reason people buy bonds is fear of stock market,make point that Johnson & Johnson the dividend yield more bond,so only fool would the bond the stock is much better deal.And if ten treasury about 2 percent he point out only in 1946 was that low.So know something wrong with bond market.He also said zero coupons bond were loser for investors.The reason why zero coupons bonds offer is because the corporation has cash flow problems.
Also Carlos Slim seem to running out luck those days.For his Mexico phone monopoly is being challenged by state.Carlos(the anti-Jackal) has had monopoly since 1990 help him one richest man in world,actually owns piece of New York Times.Talking about New York Times they are looking sell the Boston Globe.Change of strategy for them for not only was paper foothold to New England,but there was sports angle for the Globe was minority owner of Boston Red Sox's and big prize was sports cable network for New England.Sports is big business and public is deaden by life's demand and there bleakness in nation people look for escape,hence,sport fillies the bill.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My letter to the editor which shows the sophistry on the Left and Limbaugh's stupidity

Many years ago,on 7/16,07,to me it doesn't seem that long ago,boy does time fly,I got letter to the editor published in my local paper the Record.It was in respond to editorial there had ran called "Separate but not Equal".The Supreme Court had ruled against a case dealing with affirmative action and paper used the sophistry to claim the court was reversing Brown v.Board of Education.The Left loves to claim they are on side angles,they love demonize the Right racist,unfortunately Rush Limbaugh ply right into there hand(as he often does). He also said,the decision was reverse of Brown maybe that day he took too many drugs.
This is what I wrote:"I beg to differ with"Separate,not equal"(Editorial July).I believe the Supreme Court didn't reverse Brown v.Board of Education,but indeed reaffirmed it in its last decision dealing with race and schools.For what did the Supreme Court say in knocking down Louisville's and Seattle's school integration plan? That race shouldn't count where in goes to school.Well,isn't that what the court said in Brown v.Board of Education? Didn't the court state then that it was wrong to bus black children halfway across town away from there homes because of race? It seems to me the goal of our society is to be race-neutral or,in other words,treat people fairly.Don't judge them by their race.That's being race-neutral;that's what the Supreme Court did in its latest decision.

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mark Levin is full of crap with his gratuitous attacks on McCain

Mark Levin is full of crap with his gratuitous attacks on John McCain.Mark Levin the hot voice of suicide conservatism on radio seeks nothing but rating and in that pursuit he will  destroy any hope for a conservative victory down road.Levin is misanthrope not conservatism,in many case he's two face and often off ropes of sanity.Here example he his phonies,his hypocrisy if you will, dealing for Rand Paul filibuster and outrage over McCain's disapproval of Paul's filibuster.In Bush years,it article fate with Levin that filibuster against Presidential appoints were unconstitutional,he was like preacher with raged telling sinners there are bound for hell if don't see Jesus as savior.Now that Obama is president it's different story with Levin. Now he gets aim at McCain,says wrong on most things,freight policy he's interventionist,Levin who rallied against Democrats for years for isolationist
now cast sided his principles for castrate. McCain.Levin says his not interventionist he's Reaganite.Oh really didn't Reagan(great Presidents that he was,but even he make mistakes)send troops to Lebanon in 1983.And didn't Levin support McCain when suggested a surge in Iraq? And by way,wasn't McCain showed right in the surge?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Will Guy Hand get over his black cloud?

Will Guy Hand get over his black cloud? Which,of course,is debacle at EMI.He spoke about that a few ago at Bloomberg T.V. He made interesting dichotomy for said, in Europe your not suppose make much money,your not suppose lose much money either,in America you swing for fences.Then he said,if American makes a little for you,he expect to own the club(golf Club):if a Brit makes you a little money,he expects to play at the club.
One think me and Guy Hand have in comman we both have dyslexia ,although I wish I had in comman his money for even losing billion from EMI he still the biggest landlord Germany.
Germany and U.K is where Hand believe money is to make in Europe.He strong supports the U.K staying in E.U,although he did say once he was Euro-skeptic

A letter to the editor I got published many years ago about a Dictator

Many years ago,indeed,on 12/17/06 I got letter published in the New York Post about Latin Dictator,no not Hugo Chavez but Pinochet.You see the media love Chavez because ironically he was the right type of dictator a Leftist,but Pinochet despite leaving his country in much better shape then Chavez is much hated man because mindless Left-wing conformity dominates much sources of influences around the world.
This is what wrote in letter that was published in the New York Post:"The people of Chile should forever be grateful for Pinochet-he left his country in far better shape then when its power was seized by corrupt communists,which has brought him enmity of the Left.
Pinochet,as with most military men,was easy to hate and hard to love.
We use the military to fight our battles,but when the battle is over or when things get tough,we often turn on it.
We want things cleanly cut,but we live in a messy world,so we attack the Pinochets of society after they have done their dirty work for us.
We do not say thank you;instead,we want to throw them in jail so we can feel like big man.The truth of matter is that it's those Pinochets who are the big man- without them counties like Chile wouldn't be free today".   

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee
Published in the New York Post,on 12/17/06

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bloody Kansas

Bloody Kansas or Bleeding Kansas a phase turn by the great newspaper man Horace Greeley.Founder of New York Herald,which would become the New york Herald Tribune,a great paper who's name died an unceremonious death just a or so ago week or so ago when New York Times removed it's last bones and renamed the internal Herald Tribune the New York Times.
Now what so Bloody Kansas all about? It started with ill-conceived law,the Kansas-Nebraska Act long forgotten but it's law that change so much of America.For one thing it lead to end the of political exile for a skinny,high pitch voice,politician lawyer named Abraham Lincoln,the ghost of greatness would not appear for time for this unimpressive looking son of prairie.But Kansas-Nebraska Act beckon Lincoln back to public arena for know it meant the expansion slavery in the West.For Act repeal in sense,the Missouri Compromise which let Missouri in as slave state but created Maine out Massachusetts so states would remain even half free and half slave.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act,a child of Stephen Douglas, would Kansas and Nebraska to come into Union either as free or slave states depending on the will of people.It was called popular Sovereignty,which sounded good,however,the problem was both sides recruited people to settle in those territories.Which lead too much violence,hence,the name bloody kansas,in a sense a mini civil war took place.John Brown made name for himself as the great crusader for abolition,indeed,a bloody who's neck found galleries,however,maybe champion of freedom.

Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity are hypocrites

Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh,Sean Hannity are hypocrites when it comes to filibuster.They song prises of Rand Paul's filibustering the director C.I.A nomination but those same creatures of the radio waves protested,bit much,when Democrats filibustered President Bush's nominates cry was it was unconstitutional.But now silent from is malcontents creatures of radio waves.Why? Politics over principles but those men cry out for there conservative principles,indeed,just this day Limbaugh praises Paul while berated John McCain,yet it was McCain that save the filibusters and for effort was much maligned by fools on the Right,indeed,that pygmy of a lawyer Levin call fourteen senator who fought with comprise to save filibuster coconuts.
It is these right-wing talk show that will lead to death of Republican Party and conservative movement and they are one in same.But that's not good for rating so Limbaugh's company make up phony distinction between conservative and establishment for in really they are one in the same.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fox News last bastion of pro-Israeli news.

How ironic it is,that Fox News last bastion of Pro-Israeli.For Jews are for most part Left-wing conformist,sophistical simpletons who do not thin themselves but believe in group think.Fox News, of course, is one few major media outlets that is Right-wing.Yet in America in last twenty years or so the Right has become Pro-Israel and Left now sees Israel as apartheid South Africa,and of course,most media is Left-wing and oddly enough most Jews are Left-wing.
Now it wasn't always the case that media was anti-Israel,indeed,in beginning because Holocaust and the socialist nature of beginning of the State of Israel the media was very Pro-Israel.Oddly enough the only American published which was hostile to Israel before 1967 was U.S News and World report which was owned at the time and control by David Lawrence,who was Jewish but no Left-winger indeed he come from Right(today U,S News and World is owned by Mort Zuckerman who is very much a Zionist ,however the age of magazines having nation influnce is over).But after Six Day War or oil embargo of 1973 media begin change,true enough the America has never been as anti-Israel as rest of world,although I do think when Israel was land of Kibbutz,i.e Socialist,it got good pres in Europe too,don't forget in nineteen fifties French not the Unite States was Israel best friend.But when Jews weren't victims but victories the Left took a hide for only care for victims.Plus the Arab world become real partly because oil but truth is world didn't see as people.

Steve Mandel and David Tepper big winners in Hedge Funds

Steve Mandel and David Tepper are big winner in Hedge Funds.Mandel made over 4 billion last year,Tepper made 3 and half billion.Tepper big holders are Citigroup and Apple.The big loser was John Paulson,the genius who called housing bubble,shorted and made fortune but has become Gold bug and Gold seems to lost it's luster.
Buffet's railroad(BNSF) made swatch to Natural gas for fuel instead diesel.Only the U.S Navy is bigger uses of diesel in U.S.A then BNSF,of course,in Europe diesel is the preferred fuel over gasoline.Of course,the energy industrial will effected with death of  Hugo Chavez,who was bit of fool really damaging the oil industry in Venezuela.Now old man Kennedy's grandson his name sake Joe might think Chavez was great guy,as did B.B.C this morning as watch from New Jersey.The American media was cold pointing out Chavez divided his country but said he help the poor,which I disagree,I think he was egomaniac lunatic but since world hates America he look unfortunately by many as hero.CNBC point out how hurt the oil industry in Venezuela,on the other hand(the Left one)Bloomberg T.V has gone on how Venezuela Bonds have been a great investment however they failed to point out that only been case since Chavez was seriously ill,by contrast CNBC point out before Chavez was ill Venezuela bond yield about 13 percent as he got closer to death death the yield drop to about 8 percent,meaning of course price had gone up.But are American government bond or treasury going for last I saw 10 year treasury was below 2 percent yield that maybe why Stock Market(the Dow) has reach an all time high.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dow at all time high.Bill Gross has no yen for Yen.

Bill Gross,of course,the co-founder PIMCO,hence,the bond maven(Yiddish for expert) was on Bloomberg T.V this morning.In the currency war,he believes the Yen is doom for less value ,as is the Pound(U.K) the U.S Dollar and Euro will do OK but the currencies he likes are Peso( I think Mexico)and Brazil's Real.As far as,the Dow stock market goes the top would only grew if economy can reach 3 percent growth.I I'm not sure he's right about that,with cash bonds,U.S treasuries paying nothing a solid stock paying a 3 percent dividend,with a history of growing the dividend,with earning growing and a payout that is less then 50 percent of earning and clean balance sheet looks mighty attractive to investors,hence,as long as, interest rates remain so low the stock market looks like a good play.My take not the Bond Maven.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Will Cameron campaign to pull the U.K out of E.U?

Read today in the New York Times,that Troys(conservative)party ran third behind an right-wing independent party in by-election.Really not surprising for Cameron government is in trouble bad economy times,the austerity program has produce nothing but heartache.So maybe Cameron,as last ditch to stay in power,will campaign to pull the U.K out of E.U.I mean,I don't think the E.U membership has every been popular in Briton,yeah the intellectual,scholars the mindless bright people,sophisticated simpleton all believe in E.U but I don't ordinary people think much of it,it's force on people and people see an emptiness in politics,often what moves politics has little to do with public support,the public trends to be sleepy?
Nothing seems to be going right for Cameron,economy doesn't seems to work people are looking answers but Cameron doesn't seem to have any,but he can campaign against E.U membership and win.Look The late Jame Goldsmith the flamboyan,money man, playboy track into a public distrust of E.U with his party,but mainstream party does it victory just might appear from no where.Also who will Brits turn to? The Labor Ed Miliband seem to lacking in everything,a burnout pink who was lost in party of never see the light of free markets,free ideas and believe individual over the state.Plus Miliband is sort like wet noodle,a paper tiger who is so out depth he's joke.Then there is Nick Clegg,boy genius who is just to clever by half.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Who are three U.S Senators who voted against the U.s joining the U.N ?

Who are three U.S Senators who voted against the U.S joining the U.N? William(wild man) Langer,Hiram Johnson and Henrik Shipstead.
William Langer,who had nickname wild man,was most fascinating characters in U.S Senate history.Brilliant no doubt,colorful well he didn't get the name wild man for nothing,he was youngest man ever to graduate from Columbia law school.Could have made a lot money practicing law in New York City but instead went back to North Dakota and got involve with Non-Partisan League,which believe in nationalizing railroads,elevator gain stores and non-intervention in foreign policy,believe or not it was very closely aligned the Republican Party of North Dakota.
Langer was almost put jail when ran for governor over voter fraud changes had fight with state Supreme Court but he win and very controversial all his political career.
A true populist and those a Republican rarely support the party line.Which lead strange alliance of sort,even though Langer supported the Hollywood ten in 1952 Joe McCarty camprain for him maybe because he was opposite to U.N or maybe McCarty like Langer's unconventional ways.
Hiram Johnson was giant in politics in California land,this man had so many contradictions:anti-corporate,a populist,a racist,an isolationist.He was Governor of California when he ran as T.R's running mate in 1912 on as third party the progressive or Bull Morse,then ran as Republican and won for U.S Senate.He tried several times the Republican nomination President,never came close.Support much of the New Deal but broke with F.D.R over the court packing scheme.A strong isolationist was even opposed to war in Europe.
Henrik Shipstead was from Minnesota originally a member of Farm-Labor party but Communist gain control of party believe or not he join the Republican Party;although he did support most New Deal and very left-wing.In act of profile in courage he voted against the U.S joining the U.N. He knew this would be end of his political career but felt the U.N the powerful nation would ran rough shoot over the weaker nations.

Stanley Druckenmiller warns of doom unless something is done about tranfer payments

This morning on Bloomberg T.V saw charming Stefanie Ruhle(quite the pistol you know) interview legendary investor Stanley Druckenmiller.He said,quite few stirring things,like transfer payment(entitlements)are killing our society.Today more then 65 percent of government outlays are transfer payments in 1960 it was less then 30 percent.Increase wasn't due to demographics but rather the old folk political clout because there vote and says watch for the demographics would kick as baby boomers retire.
There is a lot of truth here,Japan and China's big economy problems are aging population.The one child policy of China just might death of middle kingdom.This why imagination just may save America,for need new workers to pay for the entitlement society and save us for aging population.Now I do believe English should be made official language of United States,however,in return let us have compassion view on illegal immigrants,for we need despite demagogy of right-wing talk radio people like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin