Friday, March 1, 2013

Who are three U.S Senators who voted against the U.s joining the U.N ?

Who are three U.S Senators who voted against the U.S joining the U.N? William(wild man) Langer,Hiram Johnson and Henrik Shipstead.
William Langer,who had nickname wild man,was most fascinating characters in U.S Senate history.Brilliant no doubt,colorful well he didn't get the name wild man for nothing,he was youngest man ever to graduate from Columbia law school.Could have made a lot money practicing law in New York City but instead went back to North Dakota and got involve with Non-Partisan League,which believe in nationalizing railroads,elevator gain stores and non-intervention in foreign policy,believe or not it was very closely aligned the Republican Party of North Dakota.
Langer was almost put jail when ran for governor over voter fraud changes had fight with state Supreme Court but he win and very controversial all his political career.
A true populist and those a Republican rarely support the party line.Which lead strange alliance of sort,even though Langer supported the Hollywood ten in 1952 Joe McCarty camprain for him maybe because he was opposite to U.N or maybe McCarty like Langer's unconventional ways.
Hiram Johnson was giant in politics in California land,this man had so many contradictions:anti-corporate,a populist,a racist,an isolationist.He was Governor of California when he ran as T.R's running mate in 1912 on as third party the progressive or Bull Morse,then ran as Republican and won for U.S Senate.He tried several times the Republican nomination President,never came close.Support much of the New Deal but broke with F.D.R over the court packing scheme.A strong isolationist was even opposed to war in Europe.
Henrik Shipstead was from Minnesota originally a member of Farm-Labor party but Communist gain control of party believe or not he join the Republican Party;although he did support most New Deal and very left-wing.In act of profile in courage he voted against the U.S joining the U.N. He knew this would be end of his political career but felt the U.N the powerful nation would ran rough shoot over the weaker nations.

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