Friday, March 8, 2013

Will Guy Hand get over his black cloud?

Will Guy Hand get over his black cloud? Which,of course,is debacle at EMI.He spoke about that a few ago at Bloomberg T.V. He made interesting dichotomy for said, in Europe your not suppose make much money,your not suppose lose much money either,in America you swing for fences.Then he said,if American makes a little for you,he expect to own the club(golf Club):if a Brit makes you a little money,he expects to play at the club.
One think me and Guy Hand have in comman we both have dyslexia ,although I wish I had in comman his money for even losing billion from EMI he still the biggest landlord Germany.
Germany and U.K is where Hand believe money is to make in Europe.He strong supports the U.K staying in E.U,although he did say once he was Euro-skeptic

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