Saturday, March 23, 2013

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a liberal?

Was Senator Joseph McCarthy a liberal? What! I see the sophisticated simpletons,the Left-wing conformist going nuts McCarthy a liberal? What are you nuts? Well,his record isn't what most people are lead to believe.The truth(which is hard commodity to find)is on such issue as civil rights and women right McCarthy was a liberal.And by the way,he was very good friend of the Kennedy family,indeed,one can argue that if it wasn't McCarthy John F.Kennedy(JFK) would have never been President.How so? Back in 1952 when Congressman Kennedy was running for Senate from Mass. his opponent was popular  Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. The national Republican committee had ask McCarthy to campaign for Lodge.He refused,if he had Lodge would win because McCarthy was very popular with Irish of South Boston.Also Robert Kennedy worked on McCarthy staff and even when McCarthy was totally disguise and destroy Robert Kennedy was loyal to him.When Robert Kennedy was Senator from New York in 1965,he him in celebrity tennis tournament for charity.One people he play with was Paul Newman,a big Kennedy supporter. Newman said,McCarthy that S.O.B but Kennedy came to McCarthy even though McCarthy had been disgraced and die for 8 years.Also JFK in 1954 didn't vote censor McCarthy,indeed,JKF was missing action he didn't vote at all,didn't take a position.
Also while McCarthy didn't campaign for Lodge he did campaign for William(wild man) Langer.Wild Man Langer was very Left-wing Republican(maybe the original RINO)Senator from North Dakota.Langer was man who was a favorite of Non-Partisan League(NPL) which believe in isolationist foreign policy and that government should own the railroads and elevator gains.Langer was big on civil liberties,indeed, he support the Hollywood Ten and was accused of being Communist sympathizer,so McCarthy support on him was big.
Although,McCarthy was bully and kind of nasty,despite what many people are lead believe he spoke much truth.For there were many Soviet Spies in American government:Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White were just two highest ranking Soviet Agent in the U.S government.

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