Friday, March 8, 2013

A letter to the editor I got published many years ago about a Dictator

Many years ago,indeed,on 12/17/06 I got letter published in the New York Post about Latin Dictator,no not Hugo Chavez but Pinochet.You see the media love Chavez because ironically he was the right type of dictator a Leftist,but Pinochet despite leaving his country in much better shape then Chavez is much hated man because mindless Left-wing conformity dominates much sources of influences around the world.
This is what wrote in letter that was published in the New York Post:"The people of Chile should forever be grateful for Pinochet-he left his country in far better shape then when its power was seized by corrupt communists,which has brought him enmity of the Left.
Pinochet,as with most military men,was easy to hate and hard to love.
We use the military to fight our battles,but when the battle is over or when things get tough,we often turn on it.
We want things cleanly cut,but we live in a messy world,so we attack the Pinochets of society after they have done their dirty work for us.
We do not say thank you;instead,we want to throw them in jail so we can feel like big man.The truth of matter is that it's those Pinochets who are the big man- without them counties like Chile wouldn't be free today".   

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee
Published in the New York Post,on 12/17/06

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