Friday, March 15, 2013

My letter to editor about the Right losing it's way.

Today the ides of march 3/15/13(not such good for Caesar) and this year hasn't been good for G.O.P and foolishly C-Pack,a conservative convention of sort in it's wisdom decide not to invite New Jersey Governor Christie and Virgina Governor McDonnell but invited that lying perfidious Donald Trump.
They want produce a dog and phony show well Trump but not if want to win elections.
So today I got letter to editor published in my local for Bergen County New Jersey.The paper is Record and this is what I wrote:"Ronald Reagan put a human face on conservatism and lo and behold ,the ghost of Hebert Hoover died and Republicans started winning elections.
But Donald Trump and his sycophants on right-wing talk radio now have put an ugly face on conservatism.They have played a fool's game of Russian roulette seeking always to have the"Charge of the Light Brigade" as their only strategy,one in which solders are led senseless into slaughter in the guise of glory.But what price glory if one loses the war and forevermore is irrelevant to the body politic?

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

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