Saturday, March 2, 2013

Will Cameron campaign to pull the U.K out of E.U?

Read today in the New York Times,that Troys(conservative)party ran third behind an right-wing independent party in by-election.Really not surprising for Cameron government is in trouble bad economy times,the austerity program has produce nothing but heartache.So maybe Cameron,as last ditch to stay in power,will campaign to pull the U.K out of E.U.I mean,I don't think the E.U membership has every been popular in Briton,yeah the intellectual,scholars the mindless bright people,sophisticated simpleton all believe in E.U but I don't ordinary people think much of it,it's force on people and people see an emptiness in politics,often what moves politics has little to do with public support,the public trends to be sleepy?
Nothing seems to be going right for Cameron,economy doesn't seems to work people are looking answers but Cameron doesn't seem to have any,but he can campaign against E.U membership and win.Look The late Jame Goldsmith the flamboyan,money man, playboy track into a public distrust of E.U with his party,but mainstream party does it victory just might appear from no where.Also who will Brits turn to? The Labor Ed Miliband seem to lacking in everything,a burnout pink who was lost in party of never see the light of free markets,free ideas and believe individual over the state.Plus Miliband is sort like wet noodle,a paper tiger who is so out depth he's joke.Then there is Nick Clegg,boy genius who is just to clever by half.

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